I recently became a mother almost 4 months ago, and I wasn't ready for the changes in me. I knew that life would be different, but I didn't know that my capacities would be expanded exponentially.
People often say that your life is over when you have a kid, that you are no longer yourself...that you are just "the mother of" from now on. I think that we become a better version of ourselves when you let the love for this new member take over. That is what I did.
I've been a photographer for the last 11 years. I knew that with this new responsibility my time shooting would be limited, so I started this new project and I'm falling in love with it. I started documenting my intimacy, my life with my baby, my life with his father, what made me happy, or sad, or worried, or ansious, or calmed, or what made me feel loved.
I will be blogging about my road to motherhood how it makes me feel and how it is transforming me in the new and better me, but also about other photography projects that I have. I hope that you find it interesting and that you dare to comment about your own road to self discovery after any life changing experience.