[ENG-SPN] Rivers and legends of Spain / Ríos y leyendas de España

in hive-119845 •  last year 


We owe, to the outstanding efforts of notable men and lovers of the enormous folkloric wealth of our people, such as the Asturian, Constantino Cabal, the compilation of those beautiful legends and traditions, which, during past times, were the source of fresh fantasy in which It quenched the thirst for the supernatural of countless generations, who lived and died on the edge of wonderful environments, which, even today, in these times where virtuality has put reins and brakes on the imagination, continue to surprise, leaving a pleasant sensation of romantic expectation in the mind of the traveler, who one day, who knows if, letting himself be carried away by the sweet guidance of chance, he drops by there.


It is usually a common theme in the singing and melancholic rivers, which, being born in the inaccessible cliffs of the Picos de Europa, go to die happily to the restless waters of that metaphorical Nirvana, which, after all, is the Cantabrian Sea, place in them the daily habitat of fantasy beings, the anjanas or water nymphs, who, living in their unique corners, stand out for their supernatural beauty and sometimes reward or punish the kindness or greed of men, a notable theme, which, for On the other hand, it was also prolifically treated by genuine writers, such as our immortal Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, in some of his most beautiful and flowery legends.


Debemos, al sobresaliente esfuerzo de hombres notables y amantes de la enorme riqueza folklórica de nuestros pueblos, como el asturiano, Constantino Cabal, la recopilación de esas hermosas leyendas y tradiciones, que, durante tiempos pretéritos, fueron la fuente de fresca fantasía en la que abrevó la sed por lo sobrenatural de incontables generaciones, que vivieron y murieron a la vera de entornos maravillosos, los cuales, todavía hoy, en estos tiempos donde la virtualidad ha puesto riendas y freno a la imaginación, continúan sorprendiendo, dejando una grata sensación de romántica expectación en el ánimo del viajero, que un día, quién sabe si dejándose llevar por la dulce guía de la casualidad, se deja caer por allí.


Suele ser un tema habitual en los cantarines y melancólicos ríos, que naciendo en los inaccesibles riscos de los Picos de Europa van a morir alegremente a las inquietas aguas de ese metafórico Nirvana, que, después de todo, es el Mar Cantábrico, situar en ellos el hábitat cotidiano de unos seres de fantasía, las anjanas o ninfas de las aguas, que, habitando en sus singulares recodos, destacan por su sobrenatural belleza y en ocasiones premian o castigan la bondad o avaricia de los hombres, tema notable, que, por otra parte, fue también prolíficamente tratado por genuinos literatos, como nuestro inmortal Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, en parte de sus más bellas y floridas leyendas.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and are therefore subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.


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Hi juancar
I really enjoyed reading the post. Thanks for such a nice post.

Thank you very much for appreciating it. A very warm greeting

Great photographs, ancient architecture and nature look stunningly beautiful. The buildings made of stone and the surface of the water resemble something from a fairy tale. Your photographs are history and beauty. Thank you very much.

We are an ancient country and still, to a certain extent, faithful to our ancestral traditions. This becomes more evident in the impressive mountain environments, which, as I say, make up the orography of northern Spain. The old houses, the singing rivers, the deep forests, have always been the habitat of a multitude of fantastic beings, which, although very discredited today, still survive in our most popular folklore. Thank you very much for your comment and best regards.

Thank you very much for your kind words and response to my comment. All the best to you.