Some of my photographs.

in hive-119845 •  5 years ago 

A small series of photographs that I took around, in different circumstances and with different techniques.

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The first is a basket of apples. A dead nature that I created with the light painting technique.
It is used in a small photographic set where to arrange the objects that make up the scene. Illumination is achieved with a torch that is moved in absolute darkness.


The second photo is a macro with mushrooms as its subject. The set this time is nature. Nothing is touched around these two tiny mushrooms emerging from the soft moss.

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Finally a flower that I love very much. A red Euphorbia Milii. The thorn of Christ. It is a flower that I really like to photograph for its particular shape and the bright red that I find wonderful.

These are photos that bind together because they contain my photographic preferences.

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Great photography. Thanks for sharing.

Beutiful @sardrt! I love how simplicity can be so awsome.

Amazing shots