Hi everyone. how are you doing, hope you are doing well today.
I took some photos outside from building, having very unique design. I visited almost all over the Dubai but I never saw this kind of buildings anywhere.
I told you before that photography is my hobby so I am doing this work as a passion and a hobby as well.
Whenever I saw anything unique, try to take a photo of that thing and try to share with you all of the photos.
Photos that I am posting on steemit are originally taken by myself and I done some editing on that photo using the Samsung application that is is in-built app feature.
Anybody can do it and he can edit his photos, it gives your photos Great design greetings with in a small time.
I would like to recommend to all of you that you also use this Applications . Which is Samsung's own default application.
By the way I am using Samsung S8 plus.
You can do very good editing inside very little Budget , no need to buy expensive cameras and expensive software for this.
There is an option of editing photo editing inside any mobile you have.
So I would recommend that you also try this thing.