2:00 a.m. Amri fixes her coat. He put a gas lighter on a cigarette took care of his lips. He gradually forced his open transportation to leave the Port territory, traveling north. Not awful, got seven travelers.
In reality he previously got an open vehicle store cash, and there are points of interest to bring home. Presently this is simply to include it ..
It wasn't until the Gerem region had dropped three individuals, each paying 5,000. For sure that much short-separation passage. Ideally the staying four individuals go down in the north, since it costs north around evening time for ten dollars.
In any case, not. Until the center of the fourth street down. Fortunately every one pays five dollars.
Amri was diminished. It was all that anyone could need to bring home the cash, for his significant other's kitchen shopping needs. He likewise drove open vehicle toward the north, in light of the fact that at first light the vehicle would be taken by Ipul. The two of them alternate.
The environment is still tranquil.
Amri brought the vehicle quicker. At the point when the open transportation goes close to the city region, a dark shadow appears to cross.
Amri was astonished. What's more, he can't stay away from anymore.public vehicle hopped a little, similar to it ran over something. There is a ringing sound.
Rapidly, he halted open vehicle. His face unexpectedly turned pale. Did he hit somebody before?
At the point when he looked under his open vehicle, a dark article could be seen. Amri heaved. A feline. Dark feline!
Amri stressed. As per what he heard, this would bring misfortune. Amri immediately enveloped the dead feline by the coat she was wearing.
He didn't consider his one hundred-dollar coat, and just got it seven days prior. What he heard was the manner by which to dispose of misfortune, in the event that we hit a feline. We enclose the dead feline by the garments we wear.
With the assistance of a bit of wood Amri burrowed the ground, and covered the dead feline. Luckily, it came down for the time being, and the dirt was sandy, making it simpler for Amri to burrow.
Amri's inclination was currently somewhat eased. Ideally nothing will transpire later.
Elderly person.
At two in the first part of the day Mak Jum was at the morning market, north. As quick as that he was in the market, since it was for looking for day by day necessities which he would sell in the first part of the day. Furthermore, the morning market at one AM has started to swarmed.
He purchased an assortment of spices, which were all enclosed by little packs. Additionally a couple of bundles of tamarind vegetables, a couple of bundles of soup. Try not to miss the chillies (red and cayenne), onions, and tomatoes.
Vegetables kale, spinach, mustard greens, cassava leaves.
Furthermore, fish; enveloped by a pound. Likewise some string wrap (salted fish).
Ella doesn't accepting meat, the cost is costly. Insufficient capital, and furthermore he was unable to purchase different materials. He purchases meat when there is a request. That was the cash given first by the purchaser. The cost of meat is around one hundred and twenty thousand, Ella just charges five to ten dollars, contingent upon the understanding.
Around half past four everything was finished. Ella gathered them in a container, which she conveyed with a long material. The rest he is conveying with a genuinely huge plastic sack.
Ella took an open vehicle majoring north, since it was to be sure her living arrangement behind a lodging complex in the city region.
Inside the open transportation Ella was staggered. He thought of his girl who was sitting in grade 3 professional school. Her kid will have an end of the year test in seven days, while the conditions for taking the test all installments for school expenses must be paid off.
His child was eager, additionally humiliated, on the grounds that he was regularly called by the school. Ideally this week he can fund-raise to pay for his school expenses, thought Ella.
Ella grinned to herself at the idea of her youngster leaving school and rapidly getting the opportunity to work. Particularly in the north numerous manufacturing plants stand. If not, their kids can look through east or west.
Mak Jum grins once more.
Around the city open vehicle stops. Ella cleared her shopping. In the wake of accepting the open vehicle admission, it drove rapidly toward the north.
It was as yet dull, and calm.
Ella conveyed her container and prepared to cross. Ella still grinned at the idea of her girl.
He didn't know, from the north there was a bar moving quick towards him. The thunder of the motor.
Ella's bin was tossed. Ella didn't see it. Ella just observed brilliant hues, delightful hues.
Ella saw her child take a test, graduate, and he worked in a manufacturing plant. His more youthful kin raced to welcome him when his little girl got her first payday.
Also, the sound of tires squeaking, on the grounds that the brakes out of nowhere.
"You're insane, Ton! So in case you're smashed don't bring a vehicle!" the voices.
"Pass on?" another voice.
At that point the vehicle sponsored up for a second, and the driver tossed something into the street.
"Twenty dollars?"
"Dispose of misfortune. Hahaha ...!"
At that point the vehicle drove rapidly, moving left in the direction of the West cost entryway.
The following morning Ella's body was all the while lying out and about, secured with papers. Individuals didn't set out to upset him, trusting that the police will show up.
A large portion of a meter from Ella's body there was a hill of earth, which had been congested with grass. It is said that the hill was covered by a feline that was hit by an open vehicle, around fourteen days prior.