RE: 🕊 ecoTrain & NaturalMedicine Presents..."What Would A Holistic Doctor Say?" Ask Dr Mathew Joseph any medical or health related question and learn how Natural Medicine works in practice!

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🕊 ecoTrain & NaturalMedicine Presents..."What Would A Holistic Doctor Say?" Ask Dr Mathew Joseph any medical or health related question and learn how Natural Medicine works in practice!

in hive-120078 •  5 years ago  (edited)

actually Mathew, i do have a personal health question .. Very curious what you think on this one!!

very simply ive had this sore, lumpy , scratch throat issue for a Very long time.. Maybe in total 2 years, it went away full once a year ago.. then it came back with a vengance.. i threw everything natural at it, incliuding echinacea throat spray which i really like .. finally six months ago i took antibiotics, it helped a lot and reduced it to the sensation of a small lumpy feeling.. but it is more or less constant..

I have been to an allopathic doctor last month.. he says it note cancer, its very minor.. dont worry.. he gave me more antibiotics, (better one than i took before as i just bought any kind from a chmeist - oops).. but i didnt take them.. i have them here next to me ..

so im curious..

  • DO i have a virus that i cant fully shake off?
  • Could smoking be causing this to continue.. thats the only thing that has remained the same..
  • Should i take these antibiotics and see if it solves the problem.. or is it just viral and there is no point!

any suggestions very welcomed!

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Hi Alex,some more info would be helpful
When is the sore throat night, early morning? do you wake up with it...does it persist through the day?
Is there any pain or discomfort when swallowing..if so is it worse with liquids or solids?
Do you have a cough...if so...dry or productive...if productive what is the colour of the sputum
Did the doctor examine your throat...was it swabbed for culture and sensitivity before antibiotics? Please don't take any antibiotics without having this test done. It will specify the type of bacterial infection [if indeed there is one] and will also specify what antibiotics the bacteria are sensitive to. Ignoring these basic principles of medicine is one of the reasons for the global phenomenon of anti-biotic resistance and the emergence of "superbugs".
Do you have acid reflux?
And of course this gives me an opportunity to nag you once again after so many years to give up smoking :)
