Home Made Betel Leaves Juice for its Anti-Septic Special Properties

in hive-120078 •  4 years ago 

We use betel leaves a lot in our family. When I was a kid, my parents put beetle leaves on hot boiling water for curing my red eyes problem. The betel leaves believed to have anti-septic effect.

When the water cool down, (but still warm enough) we take the betel leaves to wipe or to clean our eyes. It is quite effective to help controlling or curing the red eyes problem.

There is another way to use betel leaves that I know, as herbal drink. In Indonesia, the term jamu daun sirih is very well-known. It means betel leaves herbal drink. This helps solving bad body odor. It is also usually consumed by ladies after their monthly period. In short, it has anti-septic effect.

Few days ago, my wife bought some betel leaves to make juice. She offered me some, and I said, why not. I am not very good at drinking herbal drink or jamu because the taste is not as delicious as ice cream. Just kidding.😁

s9xfqi.jpg betel leaves.

The betel leaves were washed in clean water. After they were clean, then we put them in on a blender. We added some water in the blender before putting the leaves into it.


Next, we just push the button on the blender to start crushing the leaves.

vw0yol.jpg Blending the leaves in the blender.

After three minutes, we stopped the blender. Then we filtered out the remaining leaves (the ones that's not crunched) into a sieve. And finally the home made betel leave herbal drink was ready to drink.

Pouring the jamu through a sieve to filter out the remaining leaves.

lrkhtx.jpg The herbal drink is ready to serve.

Thanks for reading.

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Very good article dear putu300

Thank you. Have a great day. !DERANGED