Home gardening could quite literally become a life-saver
With many farms around the world going bankrupt and otherwise struggling due to lack of restaurant openings (in the West) and thus lack of demand, as well as government shutdowns and fears of outbreaks of employees, growing a home garden has never been a wiser choice. Here are some ideas on how to do so even if you live in tight quarters (like me) and don’t have an open space for a full-on garden.
9The continued assault on the family unit by the state: homeschooling in the crosshairs](https://harvardmagazine.com/2020/05/right-now-risks-homeschooling)
While I try not to get caught up in the false left / right paradigm used by governments to keep people at each other’s throats and diverted from the true problems of society, the liberal-run institutes of “higher learning” do seem to have a keen objective of removing homeschooling. This article explains the “potential for child abuse” which of course means that anyone at home with a child has the “potential” to abuse that child. Read on for more information.
Project Veritas exposes padded CV-19 death counts: like anyone is surprised
Its everywhere except the mainstream media and thus normies everywhere miss these crucial facts: regardless of what anyone thinks of this situation, there are financial and political incentives to make the virus appear to have a higher mortality than it does. Hospitals in the U.S. are receiving anywhere from $13,000-$35,000 per CV-19 patient depending on method of care.
Other factors could be (and most likely are) at play here as well.
Sweden takes a different approach and appears to have made the correct move to CV-19
Unlike the knee-jerk totalitarian American technocratically controlled police state, complete with total surveillance and total lockdown, Sweden decided, correctly, not to destroy its economy, the health of its citizens, and their moral.
Aside from looking much better than most countries (Swedish women, can you complain?) they set a precedent here. We’ll see how it pans out. My guess is ok if not great.
Scurvy is still around wreaking havoc quietly
I’ve talked about this for years. Osteoporosis, thought to be calcium deficiency, has been linked to vitamin c deficiency and has been called “scurvy of the bone”.
We all know the devastations of the sea goers centuries ago, bleeding out and dying due to lack of vitamin C. Now, imagine what a slight vitamin C deficiency would do to a modern human, unchecked?
So there we have it. Any other stories you’d like to see featured? Post them in the comments below! Make sure to follow me on Uptrennd, like, comment and share and check me out on other platforms for more health and wellness news as well as access to individual health coaching: