When was the time I realized that I exist in this world? It doesn't feel all real to me. Every time I look around, everyone looks away. Does that mean no one wanted me here?
It's sad to realize that no one cares for me. But it's regretful to know that I can't change anything about my situation. How did I end up in this place? Is there a better place waiting for me?
Sometimes, I am thinking of walking away from here. But I don't know whether I would dare to leave everything behind. I'm hesitating, and I don't know what I should do. I can't imagine how I can survive the following days ahead.
Is there even a future for someone like me? I am out of confidence to believe in that. My heart is starting to harbor anger inside me, which I know is inappropriate. I should not feel this way.
I am getting angry because I can't speak for myself. I've let people think wrongly about me. I feel so weak. I don't have anyone at my side to encourage me.
I am thinking so little of myself. Can you blame me? Why can I not live like everybody? I'm just a child, and I can't keep myself from getting hurt.
It's painful to know that no one values your worth. I heard people speak ill of me and laugh at me, but I still want to keep going. I can't make my situation more worse than it is now. I only have myself to lean on.
It's sad, but I have to live. I don't know my purpose, but I know someday that I will realize it. And even though no one accepts me, I will continue to exist. And for the people who I am bound to be with, welcome to my world.
"A young outcast will often feel that there is something wrong with himself, but as he gets older, grows more confident in who he is, he will adapt, he will begin to feel that there is something wrong with everyone else." - Criss Jami
How do you view loneliness, and how would you define it? Why do we have to feel lonely and sad? What do you think about what makes your life different?

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