Lightning is that extraordinary phenomenon that arrives with thunderstorms. Many dread them and quite naturally and rightly, because it is that fear that will move people to take precautions for their safety during a storm.
Even when we do our best to avoid lightning fatalities, it may not always prove successful. One can be caught in a lightning mishap no matter how careful he is. In the case of that event, there are things necessary to do to prevent the damage from stretching even further. We are delving into them straight away.
But first learn what to do to stay safe in the event of a lightning storm. Click here to read article.
Don't take either of these advices for granted. Lightning accidents are indeed rare, but they sometimes rise out of the blue and at the most unexpected times.
When someone around you becomes a victim of a lightning accident:
5. Move The Victim To A Safe Sheltered Place First
The first step in tackling an ugly lightning incident is to seek shelter first. Move the victim carefully to a safe sheltered place. In doing this you may need extra help, don't hesitate to call for one. This first step is all important. It wouldn't do to become a victim of that fiery thunderous flash while you are concentratedly bending over the fallen body of the victim.
Not all types of shelter are ideal for taking cover during a storm, whether while in treatment of the injured or just to tuck yourself away safely. Click here to find out places that are safe to shelter during a lightning storm.
4. Begin CPR on the Victim
A great percentage of lightning related deaths have one thing in common - cardiac arrest. Don't be surprised lightning itself is a great Flash of electricity, and as it flows through the victim to the heart, it may interfer with the rhythms of that most important life sustaining organ. So an immediate execution of a CPR is important. At least you can keep the victims body still beating and functioning, until professional medical help is available.
This can also help to contain respiratory arrest.
Knowledge of how to conduct CPR is important even beyond lightning accidents. Learn how to conduct CPR here. At the least you would be a step of knowledge medically above numerous ignorant others.
3. Treat The Victim's Burns But Carefully
People struck by lightning are very likely to sustain very bad and sometimes fatal burns. If happen to ever bend over the body of such a one, after the previous step, you may want to identify and treat his/her burns. In doing this it may be necessary to remove the victim's clothing. But avoid removing clothing stuck to a burn.
Handling a burn situation can be less daunting if you learn how to properly do it. This article will teach you how.
2. Apply Shock Treatment
Most victims of extreme lightning accidents will roll into shock. This may result from neurological damage. Just lay the victim on the ground and keep the head elevated above the feet. You may also want to keep the victim warming with a blanket or something.
Click here to learn the intricacies of shock treatment you don't get caught unprepared.
1. After Doing All This Move The Victim To The Hospital As Soon As You Are Finished With Step 2
When it comes to mastering lightning strike situations, there is only a limit to what any person who is not a medical professional can do, including you reading this article right know, sorry for highlighting the fact that you are an amateur in such matters no matter how good you execute the previous steps ( doesn't apply to you if you are a medical professional, even so there is only so much help you can provide in the absence of those wonderful medical instruments available in the hospital and the help of you colleagues).
So if you successfully carry out all the beforementioned steps, the responsibility of ensuring the further recovery of the victim should go to those who are trained to do so. Move the victim to the nearest hospital as soon as possible so the emergency medical team will do what only they can do best.
The worth of the information this article has yielded will be proved next time you are caught in such a situation. So keep tips handy in readiness for such eventualities. You will be proud and happy you did- and who knows you may help save a life