It's been 21 years since Curb Your Enthusiasm first aired, and I'm certainly not proud of the fact that it took me that long to finally sit back and let Larry David's clumsiness make me laugh.
Larry David's past as co-creator of the hit sitcom Seinfeld is fairly common knowledge, but his humor clearly transcends Seinfeld's boundaries with his simple thinking and social awkwardness. Larry is the type of person who looks at a glass of water and does not question whether it is half empty or half full, but to go deep into ridiculous perspectives from both sides and come to the conclusion that no one should care: it's just a glass of water.
Curb Your Enthusiasm looks into the social expectations we have and how they affect our thinking and behavior as a whole, but from the mind of someone who hates the general rules we live by, while fully supporting it in its own way.
Larry is cool, clumsy, and often rude, but as a spectator, the scenario he's living on seems to justify his perspective. Her points about society and social interaction are not just for comedic purposes, but are completely validated by how complicated things really are. It makes the show a lot of fun because it's not only an acceptable hiccup in life, it's also not very realistic; they are the perfect mix that is almost impossible and ridiculous.
I'm sure the show will continue to explore Larry David's complex mind as it develops throughout the season, and I highly recommend finally jumping into the show if you haven't already, especially if you're a Seinfeld fan.