Who is Brahm (or Brahman) in Hinduism?
As discussed above, Brahm (ब्रह्म) is the husband of Goddess Durga. He is the Kaal who narrated the Holy Vedas and Holy Gita. He revealed his name in Holy Gita Adhyay 11 Shloka 32. Saints also call him "Jyoti-Swaroop Niranjan". Those who worship Brahm consider him to be the Eternal and the Supreme God of the Hindu religion. However, our Holy Books of Hinduism prove that he is not the Supreme God and neither is he Eternal.
Holy Vedas
Holy Atharvaveda Kand 4 Anuvaak 1 Mantra 3 tells the origin of Brahm:
“Pr yo jagye vidwanasya bandhurvishwa devanaM janima vivakti
Brahm Brahmn ujjbhaar madhyatneechaeruchchaeH swadha abhi pratasthou ||3||
Pr – yaH – jagye – vidwanasya – bandhuH – vishwa – devanam - janima – vivakti – BrahmH – BrahmnH – ujjbhaar – madhyat - nichaeH – uchchaeH – swadha – abhiH – prtasthou
Translation: (Pr) first of all (devanam') of the gods and the brahmands (jagye) the knowledge of the origin (vidwanasya) of a curious bhakt (yaH) who (bandhuH) the real companion i.e. Purna Parmatma only, to His personal servant (janima) whatever has been created by Him (vivakti) Himself tells correctly in detail that (BrahmnH) Purna Parmatma (madhyat') from within Him i.e. by word power (brahmH) Brahm / Kshar Purush i.e. Kaal (ujjbhaar) by giving rise to (vishwa) the whole world i.e. all the loks (uchchaeH) above Satyalok etc (nichaeH) below all the brahmands of ParBrahm and Brahm (swadha) by His acquirable (abhiH) attractive force (pr tasthau) properly established both of them.
Translation: Purna Parmatma who is the real companion of a curious bhakt, first of all, Himself correctly tells in detail the knowledge of the origin of the gods and the brahmands and whatever has been created by Him to His personal servant (disciple) that, Purna Parmatma, giving rise to Brahm / Kshar Purush i.e. Kaal from within Him i.e. by His word power, properly established the whole world i.e. all the loks, both the Satyalok etc above and all the brahmands of ParBrahm and Brahm below by His acquirable attractive force.”
It shows that Brahm was born from BrahmnH (ब्रह्मण). “BrahmnH” here indicates God Kabir.
Holy Gita Adhyay 10 Shloka 2 and 3 also indicate the origin of Brahm.