People who lack inner strength always choose to avoid in these 5 things

in hive-120412 •  3 years ago 

People who choose to avoid these 5 things reveal a lack of inner strength.

A person's inner strength contains courage, drive, temperance, kindness, love, resilience, wisdom and excellence. People grow more mature and can accomplish major tasks in life because these inner strengths exist. People face many challenges in life and need the same strong inner strength to support them, otherwise they will be overwhelmed by external forces. But in the process of growing up, because of many factors make some people can not get these forces. Over time, they are so lacking in inner strength that they are incapable of handling the major tasks of life, let alone meeting any challenges. So, what are the manifestations of people who lack inner strength?


Avoiding Mistakes

It is difficult to get people who lack inner strength to admit their mistakes because getting them to admit their mistakes is tantamount to denying themselves. To a mature mind, doing one thing wrong does not mean that the whole person is wrong. But for people who lack inner strength, they cannot separate one single thing from their whole self. In their logic, doing even a small thing wrong, if admitted wrong would mean denial of the whole self. They see what they do as the whole self, so one small thing gone wrong is equivalent to the whole self going wrong. It is also understandable why they are so obstinate in avoiding admitting their mistakes. Only when they are reminded that a mistake in one small thing does not mean a mistake in the whole person, they can barely accept it.


Avoiding problems

In the process of human growth, it is inevitable to encounter many problems. To overcome more difficult problems, it is also inevitable that one needs to learn more specialized skills. But for people who lack inner strength, solving problems is what adults should do, and they feel that they are children and should not face these problems. Even if they are adults, they still think of themselves as children. Whenever they encounter a problem, they always think of running away from it because they think there will be someone who will appear and solve the problem for them just like their parents. They put all the major failures in their lives on others, as if their lives were all the responsibility of others, as if their lives had nothing to do with them.


Social avoidance

A person's ability to socialize is a good indication of the extent of his or her sense of community. For people who lack inner strength, socializing is undoubtedly a very daunting task. In their idealized socialization, everyone must respect themselves and they must be treated special. This is because they are extremely vulnerable inside and even a little neglect and negligence will be seen as hurtful by them. But their idealized social state is impossible to appear, and they can not tell others because no one respects them so they do not want to socialize, they will only strongly deny the value of socialization. Socialization is the basis for satisfying their real needs, and they cannot satisfy their real needs by avoiding socialization, they can only get psychological compensation through fantasy.


Avoiding love

It is difficult for people who lack inner strength to love someone and to accept love from others. Loving someone requires a lot of effort, time and energy. For people who lack inner strength, they will give up decisively if the pursuit of a person does not come right away. They do not have the courage, drive and tenacity to support them in overcoming obstacles to pursue the person they like. They also find it difficult to accept the love of others, because the love of others is a kind of bondage for them. The more people are kind to them, the more they feel that others are scheming against them. They lack inner strength and a sense of self-identity and value, believing that they are not worthy of love from others. Because of this, they reject all those who try to get close to them.


Escape from reality

People who lack inner strength have a vague sense of self and a vague sense of reality. They are always running away from reality, so they feel that everything is unreal. The reason why they feel that everything in life is unreal is because the world in their imagination does not appear. In their imagination, they should be successful and get a lot of people's respect and love. But in reality they did not make any effort to do so, or maybe they only made a little token effort, in any case, their desire for a better life, has remained in the imagination. The more they think, the less they do, and the more they avoid reality. Over time, the fantasy as reality, the reality as an illusory vision.

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