Whispers of Time: Julia's Journey

in hive-120412 •  7 months ago 

The sun hung high in the sky, and the forest rippled with waves in the mountain wind. Julia sat on the edge of the cliff, her hands resting on the ground, her right fingers tapping the earth aimlessly, her legs dangling and gently swinging in the air.
In 11 minutes, it would be the start of another day in this world for Julia, the beginning of yet another, she couldn’t remember how many. This year she turned 34, and as the youngest child born late to her parents, she had far fewer days with them than most people. Her father, a long-term alcoholic, had passed away due to hypertension years ago. Her mother had fallen ill giving birth to her and had finally joined her father in eternal rest just the previous morning. Julia had 9 more minutes to make a choice.
Time could never freeze for those she wished to keep, like her mother, who always wanted to see her children safe and sound. Nor could it halt for the days she wanted to stay in, like her father, who was always reminiscing about the past. Julia hadn’t had such desires to freeze time in a long while. Perhaps as a child, she might have wished time to stop when she got a rare piece of candy.
But now, all she could think about was the future. She had no desire to stay. Ever since the day she resolved what she wanted, she had been looking forward to that day coming, wishing time would speed up. She didn’t understand why she had become like this.
That day arrived as expected, and time seemed to flow even slower, yet she felt as if she was frozen in that moment. She tilted her head slightly toward the shoulder raised by her hands supporting her, squinting at the clouds drifting slowly across the sky. Her legs swung idly, occasionally hitting the cliff wall, sending small dust particles floating gently into the green forest below.
As she pondered what she was hesitating about, was it biological instinct making her subconsciously reluctant? Fear of pain? Hmm... Julia sighed softly, raised her head, and closed her eyes. Even under the bright sunlight, she could still see the tiny blood vessels inside her eyelids, a crimson hue, the color of blood flowing through them.

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