How to continue to believe yourself and succeed

in hive-120412 •  3 years ago 

It will be tough, but fair. Therefore, if you are not ready to fight for a place in the sun, you can continue to believe that you can easily buy fish in the store. And we will tell you how to catch a real golden catch. So, here are key rules of success. let 's go!

Seriously, stop complaining about fate. You send out your resume in batches, and no one answers you? Have you come across a swindler employer and are you afraid to keep looking? You have terrible bosses and no one notices what a valuable employee you are?

Maybe you should think about what you are doing wrong? To get started, stop sending dozens of resumes for the first offers that come across. Decide who you want to work for and what you can offer the employer. Think carefully about what skills you have and what you dream of . I can + want - this is the ideal formula for finding a job.


Don't be discouraged if failures happen. Few can boast of endless luck. Everyone falls. The question is, will you be able to rise. If you find yourself in an unpleasant situation with an employer, draw conclusions for the future and move on.
Does the tyrant boss torment the entire team with his whims? So is there really an abyss outside your company? Find another job or a way to influence management.

Now you are already reading the second rule of success, are you not great? Don't you feel you can do better? Surely you are excellent at carving out of wood, compiling reports, know how to work with big data, sing well, whatever! We are sure that you have talent for sure. So stop berating yourself and underestimating your own abilities.

Do not withdraw into yourself and do not blame the reflection in the mirror for all the troubles. It is as ineffective as blaming the entire world for injustice. Having found harmony in yourself, you will understand what you want from life and how to come to it.

First, sport is disciplined. If you can pay attention to your tight schedule and achieve your goals, you can literally do anything.

Secondly, sport teaches how to endure defeat and rise for a new leap. Anyone who washed his hands in blood on a horizontal bar or on a barbell, was able to run a marathon or break his own record in the chosen discipline, is not afraid of minor troubles.

Each book is knowledge that can be obtained on a silver platter. You get acquainted with the experience of other people, you get ready-made systematized information, which remains to be used correctly. And this works not only with professional literature, but also with fiction. You develop vocabulary, broaden your horizons, learn facts that few people know about. Take time to read , no matter how busy you are.

The correct idol. Do you know who he might be? You! You in a month, six months, a year. Imagine that in a few weeks your life will change. Here you are, successful, working at your dream job, in a wonderful team, with excellent bosses and high salaries. Now go back to reality and think about what you need to do to achieve this.

Here's a short plan:


Analyze your resume right now. Remove the excess, write in the missing . Like? Would you hire such an employee with a salary of N thousand? Not? Then close the knowledge or skill gaps. Indicate the time frame in which you can fix everything, act.

Forget about obstacles. Mom always wanted you to be a dentist, so your parents paid for their studies at an expensive university from their last savings, and are you ashamed to say that you dream of working as a designer? As long as you do what other people want you to do, you will not be happy. And what success can there be without happiness?
In short, believe in yourself. Go to your successful, happy, rich, if you like! The main thing is to go forward, do not stand still. Because no one, except yourself, will turn your life into a fairy tale.

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