Now I’m going to tell you about a small incident that happened to me before few days. one day in the morning when I was staying in my room l heard a noise coming outside from the room. I went to the window and looked. But l didn’t see anything. I didn’t understand what was the noise about and so I decided to check what really was there. So l went outside in my home. When I went there I saw a bird was lying there tired.
It is looked like a ball of wool. Then I took it into my hand. It was a surprise as it was not just any ordinary bird, but a black & white baby hawk. I looked up and saw a tall tree from where it must have fallen. I had always thought that perhaps sparrows and many kinds of birds would live my house estate. But a hawk bemused me. The baby hawk was injured badly and it seemed that it was a very serious injury. I saw that there was an injury in the wings and head. I took it into the house. When I took it into my hands, there was blood flowing from the wings and I saw the bird was crying.
I did wipe his blood and do cure his injuries immediately.Then I gave some water. But it doesn’t drink. I feel there was something locked in his gorge. After few minutes there was a small tail come out in his beak. At that time I was called the person who works in my home, to drag it.
Then he was dragging the tail slowly. It was very creepy. There was a snake. That snake was locked in the baby hawks gorge. That’s why he didn’t drink water. After I gave a couple of drops of water to drink. Because it was a baby hawk.
I proceeded to feed the hawk.But I did not exactly know what baby hawks feed on, but I thought they were not fed milk or other foods.
So I feed it small pieces of meat from chopsticks. And gave drops of water after feeding. But it couldn’t fly that time. So I had to care about it in my home. Three or two days I feed it and care. When I thought that the baby hawk was all better to fly. At that time it was healthy and also can move his feathers and walked here & there. But I feel there was trouble inside his body. Because it always noised like a cough. But the baby hawk was in a good situation.
One day when I looked at it the incident I saw was very sad.The baby hawk lay down on the piece of cloth and its eyes were closed not inhale. Actually, it was dead. I was so sad and I couldn’t stop my tears when I missed that little hawk I loved. I was happy to saw him better. I don’t know what was the reason for this happened.
I think the trouble was that something has happened inside his body. But we couldn’t understand.
when I thought the little hawk released to fly it is that better But unfortunately l couldn’t do that.😭😭😭😭
Lastly, l had to bury his body sadly. But this incidence will be an unforgettable memory in my life.