Many scholars agree that the environment is the most powerful teacher that exists, in Cuba, as in many parts of the world, the environment is formed mostly by our friends, our partner and mainly our family, having our parents in the first line who represents our environment since we were born.
When this environment is unfavorable and is not proportional to our ideas and our plans, the results can be catastrophic.
Only by having the ability to turn the misfortune of our environment into fuel to boost our entrepreneurial engine can we obtain the expected results.
When the world says NO to an entrepreneur, at that moment they have everything they need to use that NO like inexhaustible Nepal to achieve their YES, and when they achieve it incredibly all those people who did not understand you, who did not support you, start to venerate you and follow you and they begin to flatter you and say that they had always trusted you.
AUTHOR: Learn not to reject pain or run away from it, it is healthier and more profitable to live with it, embrace it and nourish it, and that stress caused in those situations that hurt us and hurt our feelings over time becomes our own. breastplate, to protect ourselves against the misfortunes of life that cut 95% of entrepreneurs in their destiny.
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