in hive-120412 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hello lovelies,
Again it's @dalvin baiby a young ambitious,charming lady.
Am hereby gladly to share with you how my day went.
It's a friday
This is my today.am very excited it's a Friday cant wait for the weekend🤗🤗.

It was such a bright morning,Abit drilling when I woke.I knelt down and I thanked God for the beautiful night.Greeted mom and dads and my other siblings then started getting ready for schoolI finished and travelled safely to school.

Reaching school ,I arrived safely then did some reading before lecturer arrived

I studied till 1:00then left for lunch.oohh woow food was delicious from ziglar brothers.it was my favourites,rice,beef and some chips.i really liked it after all eating is one of my hobbies🤣🤣🤣🤣💕💕.
It was really delicious I ate and even asked for more 🤣🤣.After food I went to our church for prayers to thank good for the good health and food and the good parents an friends he has given mi.our church at mubs is still.charles lwanga it's a very big church and passed by the glottal for the rosary.below it's our glottal
There after I left to class for a discussion with my friends in class.i really achieve d alot because it was interactive and productive.
Yah that how my day was.thanks for reading hoping to post more.love u all💕💕.

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