Movie : "Noah: Apocalypse of the World"

in hive-120412 •  3 years ago 

In the "Genesis" of the "Bible", Noah's story is only a little more than four chapters, which is not enough to make a movie. Therefore, the director has many supplements, not only refer to the "Book of Enoch" (The Book of Enoch, for details) Huang Genchun's "Extraordinary Documents of Christ's Etiquette-Old Testament Volume 1"), there are also many new imaginations and changes.

"Noah: Revelation of the World" (Noah) is the work of Jewish director Darren Aronofsky. His early films such as "Requiem for a Dream" (Requiem for a Dream) have shown outstanding image styles. Wrestler focused on the relationship between his father and family, and "Black Swan" successfully moved to psychological thriller, which won him global attention, and then launched the large-scale production "Noah: Revelation of the Destruction". The above content elements are in the Ark One by one in the myth.

"Noah: Apocalypse of the World" is naturally based on the story of Noah's Ark and the destruction of the world by the flood. The introduction is when Noah witnessed his father Lamech being killed by Tubal Cain when he was a teenager, thus establishing a world where good and evil are not balanced One is the family of Noah who maintains the faith. He and his wife have three sons (Shem, Ham, and Japheth). The family is vegetarian and leads a life without any disputes. The other is the kingdom of Tubal Cain. He advocates plundering, violence, and cruelty. He has no faith, allows people to eat people, and builds all kinds of bronze and iron weapons as weapons.

The life of Noah’s family was threatened and he walked to the area of ​​the Watcher. Noah had a dream, but he didn’t know what he was referring to. He went to the mountains to ask his grandfather Methuselah and found a harbinger of a great flood. Later, many trees grew on the ground. , So Noah's family and the watchmen built the ark together, and they were attacked by Tubal Cain at the same time.

The second half of the movie is about the days in the Ark. Noah tells his son the story of the creation of the world in seven days and the fall of mankind. He believes that the end of human history, but Shem’s wife is pregnant, causing Noah to conflict with his family and hide in the Ark. The Tuba Cain brought a crisis.

The story of Noah is a story of a miracle, a story of a family, a story of a fight against an empire, and a story of sin and punishment, love and kindness. Methuselah in the movie is a wise old man, Tubal Cain is a corrupt leader, Ham is a rebel and a wanderer, and the watchman is as the name suggests, is the holy guardian, and Noah is a just man.

Tubal Cain’s empire had many people and no morals, but Noah maintained his faith and mission. He built the ark before the flood. Compared with the power of the empire, he represented the power of the powerless. . In addition, Noah emphasized "justice" and "justice", which corresponded to the Greek and Jewish philosopher Philo during the Roman Empire, in On Abraham (translated by Shi Minmin, included in On Abraham) "The Life of Moses"): "(Noah) is called "peace" or "justice" in our language, both of which are very appropriate names for wise men." However, Noah's "justice" Becomes rigid (like Javert in "Lone Star Tears", also played by Russell Crowe), but Noah in the movie is fortunate than Javert. He was influenced by love. Noah blessed the next generation to have a lot of life. In fact, he was the family The belief tradition is preserved (it was spoken at first, and then there are scriptures). This is one of the meanings of survival and the message brought out by the film.

Although "Noah: Apocalypse of the World" is the ark myth in the eyes of modern people, it is related to the story of the creation of the world. The action of infanticide reminds me of the story of Abraham's offering of Isaac. Noah's mountaineering refers to Moses. Mount Sinai, but the whole movie not only describes the deeds of the ancients, but also leads to the present. As long as it is understood from the perspective of demythologization, the text will speak to us.

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