Remove,or Deprived the human body from the three primary necessities of life, death will soon be the resultant effect (AIR,WATER & FOOD.
We are water beings living on a water planet. Both our bodies and the surface of the earth are approximately 70% Water. Note that the living human body is made up of living cells, Lots of them ,I've heard estimates ranging from 75 to 125 Trillion Cells.Each and every cells is bustle with life ,seem under microscope ,a single cell bustle with unimaginable activity. Ten of thousands of chemical actions and reactions take place very moment taking in nutrients, performing the activities of life and estiminating waste. Also remember that everyday approximately 300 billion Cells die off and are replaced by living ones that are produced at the impressive rate of about 200 million each minute. Guess what the new replacement cells are made from? Food we rat:It is an absolute unassilable facts that our bodies are made up of the food we eat .If food is withheld we die.So what is contents of the nutriutional volume in your intake daily?.Almost all food today are dead food which add no nutriution to our cells,thereby the dead cells are not replaced any more ,rather they turn to fight the body,thank God for sfactor stem cell which contains all the nutrient that the body needs to build up those dead cells,and replace them.with its functions (repair,restore ,replaced and rejuvent the dead cellsof the body.
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