What is time?
Well, if anyone ever asks you what time it is?
Can you give me an answer?
No, you can't answer.
You can't define this one thing in the world.
Let's talk about some unknown things about time today.
Suppose you walk 1 hour on the dew-drenched grass with one of your loved ones. The next day you walk 1 hour in the hot desert.
Did you notice?
When you walk with your loved ones, you think 1 hour is maybe 20 minutes. Again, when you walk in the desert, 1 hour seems like a few hours.
Why is that?
It is called Theory of Relativity.
The father of this relativity is Albert Einstein. Before that everyone knew that "time" is the same in the whole universe. But it is not.
That is, time is different in different places.
This is why time is also called Forth dimensional object in Einstein's language. When you sleep 8 hours a night, it seems that you have just slept. But when you work during the day, the time is longer.
What's more interesting is that if people can ever conquer time or travel time, then time can be stuck. In that case, there are many paradoxes. We will talk about these in the next episode.
Who will stop the time?
In that case people will have to walk at the speed of light first. Then maybe time travel will be possible. I will write about time travel one more day.
Well, why can't we see the jinn or the soul?
Have you ever thought of that?
I say-
Genes or souls live in Forth dimensional space.
So we can't see. That is, the jinn or the soul has conquered time long ago.
Oh, one more thing-
If man can ever conquer time, then we will all disappear. Because if we move at the speed of light, then our body will no longer be normal. As is the case with jinn and souls.