A negative environment refers to people who generate negativity in a constant mode, regardless of external circumstances. They are always unhappy with everything, everyone always owes them and everyone around them is to blame.
These are not necessarily some particularly embittered people who want everyone in trouble. Often ordinary pessimists sow negativity, who, due to their character and upbringing (or lack thereof), have not yet learned to take responsibility for their affairs on themselves and perceive the imperfection of the world around them too painfully.
Let's clarify that negative surroundings do not mean people who are really in trouble at the moment and need the help of others. Problems happen to everyone, and if possible, you should help each other solve them - so the world as a whole will become better and kinder.
But what to do with people who always have troubles, as they say, from scratch and, it seems, never end? It is definitely impossible to endure such an environment ad infinitum, and there are very good reasons for this.
Here, probably, it is also necessary to clarify that it is not always possible to simply physically get rid of a negative environment if such a pessimist and whiner is wound up in a work collective, and you are never a boss to fire him. However, you can minimize contact with a toxic person, and thus the negative person will cease to be your immediate environment.
It is not at all necessary to quarrel with such a person. Quite a lot can be done from the position of "soft power". You just need to master a few effective communication techniques , after which the whiner himself will soon give up the intention to annoy you with his complaints and switch to someone more loyal.
Methods to deal with a negative environment:
Set a limit - when they try to burden you with the problems of the world economy or the work of the housing office, just say something like "come on, just briefly, I need to run to make a presentation (report, documents) for the boss." In no case do not answer clarifying questions directly, because "It's a long story, let's do it another time."
Give advice and encouragement - as soon as the whiner starts complaining about something, immediately go on the offensive and report that morning exercises help from excess weight, an open window from the stuffy office, and a taxi from a dirty minibus. At accusations of banality, smile mysteriously and say that "all ingenious is simple."
The latter is the simplest thing: say that you must take a look as soon as you are a little free, and you see no point in discussing it before you see this broadcast in person, because you need to make a personal impression first. But it won't be today, because you still need to have time to look through the materials for tomorrow's presentation (go to a workout, meet with friends, pack a bag for a trip, go to bed early, etc.)
Sometime later, watch the beginning and end of the interview or series and set aside time for discussion if the relative has not found another victim for communication by this time. Of course, limit communication, for example, to one hour, referring to your affairs, and do not touch on topics on which you have disagreements. And you will learn more methods of communicating with negative-minded people if you take our program " The Best Communication Techniques ".
And, of course, in parallel with getting rid of toxic communication, you need to create a new environment. If only to make it easier to minimize negative communication: if you are constantly busy talking with other people, it will be harder to distract you than, for example, just reading a book or writing a report.
At work, you should take a closer look at your colleagues and, perhaps, you will have a lot in common with someone. At home, you can invite some of your friends to visit, and an overly sociable relative, after a duty greeting, ask to leave you with the guest alone, because you "need to discuss one very important issue."
And finally, the most important thing. Try not to become the “negative environment” that everyone wants to get rid of. There are really enough problems in this life. With age, there will be even more of them, and the forces to solve them are noticeably less. Take care of yourself so as not to fall into everyday and widespread pessimism and not to poison your life and those around you. Support those who really need it, at least morally - so the world as a whole will become better and kinder!