Note to self : let it go

in hive-120412 •  3 years ago 

Note to self: let it go


Image by Prawny from Pixabay





Let it go, let all the anger go. Let the fire, the frustration, the anguish, and all the negativity go out.

Life is too short to keep being angry. Take time to flush out all the negativity. It does no good to you and the people around you.

Life brings a lot of happiness and it also comes with so many disappointments. These disappointments can lead you to sadness or they can even lead you to depression.

Depression is getting one of the most common issues these days. More and more people are feeling depressed and each time someone ends up being depressed the world gets a little bit sadder and darker.

I remember when I was a child my mother used to tell me that decades from now the most common illness that people will be suffering will be loneliness and depression.

And now I see that there are more depressed people than ever. According to the World Health Organization, there are more than 264 million people who suffer from it.

The best way to give up your frustrations and anger and eventually depression is to let it go.

Let everything go. Forget everyone who wronged you and forgive everyone. They say that to err is human and to forgive is divine.

Forgiveness is something that will give your mind peace as there is something less to worry about. Some of the happiest people in the world forgive people before they sleep.

Try it. I do this every night and to be honest, I am not the happiest man in the world but at least I find some peace. I am working on it and someday it will turn out to be a good practice.

All you have to do is to talk to yourself and tell them that you forgive them all. Forgive and forget all the wrongdoings people have done to you. Relax and breathe and let your mind find peace.

Even if it is for a minute you will find peace and this peace will guide you towards a better life.

I know the idea of revenge seems interesting and attractive but is it worth all the trouble you will go through while you hatch and plan and then try to execute?

I do not think that revenge is any good. Thinking about it might give you a moment’s pleasure and satisfaction but what will happen when you try to take revenge.

It will just destroy your mind and you will continue without any peace.

Life is too short and far too precious for things like revenge. Move on and build something great.


Image by Lenka Fortelna from Pixabay

You have the gift of life and only humans have intelligence so do not waste that on negative things. Instead, build a life so great that those who hurt you will feel jealous or they might even come to you and ask for forgiveness.

Life brings a lot of surprises and you will be surprised to see how things will turn out in your favor when you let everything go.

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