Having enough sleep is not only about the number of hours you sleep in a day. It is also essential to get good quality sleep on a regular schedule so your body will not feel exhausted upon waking up but instead a feeling of enough rest.
Good quality sleep is just as important as eating healthy food and good exercise.
Here are 10 reasons why we need to have a quality sleep:
1.Poor sleep is linked to higher body weight.
- According to study children and adults with short duration of sleep were 89% and 55% more likely to develop obesity, respectively.
2.Good sleepers tend to eat fewer calories
- Poor sleep contribute a great factor in hormones that regulate appetite. People who have adequate sleep tend to eat fewer calories than those who don’t.
3.Good sleep can improve concentration and productivity
- A study shows that having a short sleep can negatively impact some aspects of brain function same degree as alcohol intoxication.
Good sleep can enhance brain performance.
4.Good sleep can maximize athletic performance.
- It is proven that longer sleep has been shown to improve many aspects of athletic and physical performance. So most players need to have a quality and longer sleep for their performance
5.Poor sleepers have a greater risk of heart disease and stroke
- Sleeping less than 7–8 hours per night is linked to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
6.Sleep affects glucose metabolism and type 2 diabetes risk
-Sleep deprivation can cause prediabetes in healthy adults in as little as 6 days. Many studies show a strong link between short sleep duration and type 2 diabetes.
7.Poor sleep is linked to depression
- Poor quality and sleeping disorder usually results to health issues, such as depression.
8.Sleep improves your immune function
- If our body have enough sleep, this will boost our immune system and can control having common colds.
9.Poor sleep is linked to increased inflammation
- Sleep affects your body’s inflammatory responses. Poor sleep can increase your risk of disease recurrence and this also cause inflammatory bowel diseases.
10.Sleep affects emotions and social interactions
- This is really proven, poor sleeping habit loss reduces your ability to interact. And it shows that having less sleep ,people cannot recognize different emotions.
(source : healthline.com)