The law of attraction is wrong.

We think that the law of attraction helps us to attract things in our material world, true, we focus so much on matter that all the energy of our thoughts goes to what we want to attract, in the world of three dimensions until we reach A somewhat materialistic point, we want to attract this and this, as I do to attract the abundance that I know I deserve, work, to enter university, everything you know about the law of attraction up to this point is WRONG.

We have to propose to begin to see everything as it happens in our life, as a lesson to strengthen our character and every person as soon as it appears in our life as a teacher, whom we ourselves have chosen, what we really want what our soul is feel called, it is to have an optimal inner state, of high vibration, what we want is a connection with the divine, that is the energetic place of fullness where everything is fine, where all possibilities already exist, where there is peace beyond your energy temporary, which lasts little, where there is fulfillment beyond the desire for something material, which is impermanent to desire things in the world of forms, generates attachment and from attachment the only thing that you are going to generate for yourself is despair and frustration, if That desire that you have so much and that you long for comes from the intention to evade or escape something or from an incredible despair and a very deep desire that I have to have this, because otherwise there is no other option, you are living from attachment you are coming from ego.

Now, the new model in which we are entering this 2021 and in which I also propose that we put our attention on our energy, is the model of the fifth dimension or the 5D, in which there is no separation between you and the things you want, because the simple concept of desire disappeared, in the third dimension we are in the aspect of doing to have, in the fifth dimension we are in the aspect of being, so to attract something to our life we do not have to move in time, in space, but we have to become success, in abundance in love, be that vibration, once you become love you do not need to attract it because you already are and therefore naturally it will come towards you.