
in hive-120412 •  4 years ago 


“No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself.” said by Madonna."

Whenever I read this quote, I think of the word, “Self-improvement or self hypnosis”. First of all, here come extremely important questions which we have to ask ourselves, Who needs Self-improvement? , When do we need to start changing and How do we begin?, What will we get from it?, Who exactly needs self-improvement?, Is it for only a specific type of people? Is it for a specific group of people? Like, is it only for adults? Or only for teenagers? Or only for old people? Or even only for Children? , Is it only for the rich or for the poor too? and above all, the most important question is, Why do we need self-improvement?

Now, if you are ready for becoming the best version of yourself, then let’s get started…

Self-improvement is needed for everyone. It does not matter who you are, or what you look like, or the background where you come from. We all need Self- improvement. To all of us, self improvement is needed in our daily lives just like we need food and water. Self hypnosis feeds us with understanding, knowledge, character, and wisdom. Previously, I never thought I needed Self-improvement. I thought I was fine and did not need any kind of adjustment in myself like many of others but I was totally WRONG. Self-improvement is a wake-up call which comes from our life experiences. Experiences that were either blessings, mistakes, regrets, success or failures of our lives.

If you are sincerely excited for a better change then set clear cut goals for yourself… I have also set up some Goals for myself… Like, a few of them are:I want to be the 1st in generosity.I want to be the 1st in loyalty. I want to be the 1st in courtesy.And so many more….
Do REMEMBER!If you want a change, be the first one to change. Do not wait for anyone else. Just take the initiative, take the action, start from yourself. You have full command on your life… You either can change it to an ordinary person’s life style or can become an adorable personality… The choice is totally yours.

Here are some tips and tricks for self-improvement…

1. Love yourself:
To our misfortune, most of us do not accept the way we are, the way we look like, the way we behave, the way we live. But now, we should have to accept ourselves for the way we were, note it down and start improving ourselves day by day… We should never compare ourselves with anyone else, (read it again after me), we should never compare ourselves with anyone else. We only have competition with our former self. We must have to be much more better than the day we passed and it will go on… You are not supposed to look like Angelina jolie or sing like Momina mustahsan and sooooo on…Simply, you are only supposed to be YOU. It will only happen when you love yourself. Tell yourself everyday how special you are… So , you have to be the better than before.

2. Set your goals:
Set your destination and goals for your life. It is because, a life without any goal is simply “USELESS”. Although, without any goal, life will not stop, it will keep going but this life will not be fruitful. You will only complete the time period of your life, that’s it. Is it acceptable to you? , Is it not insanity? Is not life precious? Yes, it is!So, set the Goals of your precious life and do focused and struggle sincerely.
But here’s an extremely important thing which everyone should understand, DON’T let your goals soooo very much dominant so that they ruin your present mental peace. “Live and love your PRESENT time”… Because NO one can change the PAST and no one is sure about the very next breath (FUTURE)… So, It’s mean we have no control over past and future then why should we get worry about them??
Love the phrase 👇🏻”جوہوگا،جب ہوگا،دیکھاجائےگا۔۔۔”

Life is uncertain, it will may be end up in the very next moment. Same as, it may not be end even in next 30 years. That’s why, it’s necessary to set the Goals for you if you don’t already have and then have firm believe in Allah about their achievements…

3. Create a mission statement:
This is my most favorite tip of self improvement. Apart from setting goals, you should create your mission statement which you can modify with time. For example, my mission statement is:
Ctrl+ Alt+ Del“Control yourself,Alter your thoughts,Delete negativity”
Likewise, you should also create a mission statement that will make you a self-motivated person.

4. Exercise:
Although, it’s necessary for health but here, I’m mentioning it for the removal of our moral evils (like: aggression, depression, tension, pressure, anger, pain, etc.). If we are not mentally healthy, we can’t focus on our goals that we have set up for ourselves. So, if you are not feeling mentally well, do some exercise. It is because whenever you come out of your comfort zone, walk, run or lift heavy weights, your body puts more effort and release Endorphin hormone. This hormone makes you feel relaxed and ultimately, your mood gets improved.Be CAREFUL, no doubt, this strategy will definitely work but don’t do it so excessively so that you may get some injury.

5. Change your habits:
Everyone has some habits. Everyone is following some routines. If we don’t change a little bit of our daily routines after few weeks, it makes us feel lazy. I am not talking about stop brushing your teeth. If you are used to brush them with left hand then start brushing them with your right hand for next few weeks. Instead of working the same way every day, reschedule your routine and fix some time for your family. It will make you feel peaceful.

6. Be thankful:*
The next very important tip is “Be THANKFUL” for whatever you have. Be happy with whatever you have been granted. Happiness is not in being the wealthiest person in the world, it’s living inside us. We just have to nourish it by being thankful.7. Learn a new skill:Whenever we learn a new skill, we get excited to learn more and more, that’s how our confidence level increases. Give challenges to yourself. If you are an introvert person and can’t speak confidently in public, challenge yourself to be that much social which upgrade your confidence level, reduce your stage fear and so on.

8. Meditation:
It’s very amazing tip to deal with our negative thoughts and emotions. Everyone has positive as well as negative thoughts in his head. If he/she nourishes positive thoughts by giving value to them, then positivity will become dominant in our personality and vice versa. We all face many situations which bother us a lot (like: criticism, hate, ignorance, disrespect, etc.). If we don’t figure out them in our mind, they will nourish negativity. So, it is necessary to do meditation for at least 10 minutes before you sleep.There are so many methods of meditation, but the method I like the most is, Close your eyes, think about your whole day, say Alhmdulillah for whatever you did positive during the whole day passed, say Astaghfirullah for whatever you did wrong the whole day, if there happened any annoyance from your side, forgive them by heart and make a promise to yourself for always try to be gentle and calm.After following these steps of medication, you are ready for sleep. Now, you can enjoy sound sleep with clear mind and peaceful heart.

Final thoughts:
Although, there are so many more strategies which can enhance the process of self improvement (like: Surround by positive people, Accept past, Accept changes, stop wasting time, develop the habit of reading which boost up your mind and so on), but I have explained eight most appropriate tips and tricks. I bet you, if you will sincerely start adopting them one by one, you would become an outstanding person.Love and live your life. Now, do not be get so overwhelmed. Start working on yourself slowly but continuously too

.#Grab them



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Thanks for your motivation.
I was about giving up on something then i came accross your post