Hi dear friends! Now there are not so many insects like before around my place. I have seen some species near my apartment and sometimes they come to visit me.
Today it is raining a lot and it hasn't stopped yet. I think it will rain a full day today. I miss walking for exercise, but because rain every day now and because I feel a little bit dizzy also, I have not gone to walk a long time. I hope next week I can do it.
This is a green lacewing from the family Chrysopidae. I never saw it before, and at first I think it’s a grasshopper, but it’s not.
It was quiet in my house and it’s tiny.
I tried to find the name of this dragonfly but I can’t choose one because many different kinds of dragonflies are similar.
Its body is all black, and it loves flying and changing the place a lot. It is really hard to get pictures of it, but finally I did it!. I am excited always.
I sent my two daughters to cut a banana leaf for me to use to make a cake. I saw this grasshopper in the leaf when it was in the house. It’s all green.
I tried to find its name also but it’s a baby grasshopper, so difficult to know what kind.
I just have these photos for this post, I hope you enjoyed it. Have a beautiful time everybody. 😊💚