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Stop na, stop na please!!!!!
I'm a designer please I'm saying the truth
Come shutup!
"You Don scam people abi kon dey wear good cloth
We know you jare"
That was how my phone was taken and I bailed myself with #50,000 for looking good.
Well, all I can say was thank God I wasn't killed.
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Dropping my younger brother to school for exams
As I went to the cinema to play some games to pass time
Coming down from the tricycle as a van drove to my front
Enter the car!!!
As I was asking what was my offense
Bring your phone?
Bringing out my android with a frown they asked for my iPhone insisting I was a "Yahoo boy"
Come on man, am just a guy on short jeans and a polo,
How do I qualify as a criminal by having an iPhone?
I was asked to pay 15k for........ for..... Well, I don't know also.
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Stop that car there as they swinged their guns to intimidate me
I opened the car as I tried to beckon on them to let me speak
What's in your boot!!!!!
My wheelchair I cried out
Come and open it
Are you guys fu****g serious?
Did you hear me at all?💔