This is Cotton.
He’s in a new cat tree. Well, new to him. He’s an outdoor Cat we love and care for, but usually doesn’t do well inside or with younger kids. The cat tree belongs to our small indoor cat named Dash. Dash was also quite wild, born to feral
Cat mommy and daddy, but we got him as a kitten and he is coming along quite well as an indoor cat. Due to the freezing cold snap, we could not leave him outside even though he has shelter outdoors. We brought Cotton in relatively against his will. 💜🙏🏾 He gets so skittish indoors and around young children. With young kids it’s important to be careful especially with feral cats. However, we we have been blessed. He’s been so calm, loving and friendly. I suppose he may have went into a kind of hibernation mode to conserve his energy initially. However, over the last few days he has been seen eating, drinking, and using the liter box (which we are really happy about)!
Though the temps reached Historic Lows, we prevailed. Amen for that! Power outages leaving millions without heat or lights. 😔🙏🏾 Bursting pipes from freeze in a place traditionally known not to get lower than 35 degrees on the coldness night and that’s occasionally- we survived. It’s only right to help your neighbors and each other as you can, even the ones that may not like you or get on your nerves. Not being selfish if you have power and others don’t by laying low on excessive power usage. We pray for their safety and heat return, their needs to be met, make donations, call check on peeps, offer food, water, shelter, batteries, other resources if you can and again, limit our energy use so maybe reserves on the grid will be higher and others too can get power. This is what others did for me. Neighbors helping neighbors. People helping people. So thankful for it!! Thank you sweet homies for taking the time! May God bless you for it! We want to be an example of what it looks like to share and be compassionate. Our kids are watching. Someone is always watching.
We are trying to be better peeps to our fellow peeps, starting with those closest to us. Legibly in our home and spreading outward. So have our children and by extension our animal family members, our pets 💜. Kindness, goodness, love, peace, patience, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control are contagious! Thank you Dash for sharing your cat tree with Cotton during this freeze. I know you both will be hissing when you see each other, but he appreciates you! 💜🙏🏾💜😽😻🐱
We appreciate you all!