Sharing is Caring - Paintings You Like

in hive-120695 •  4 months ago  (edited)

As the title suggests, sharing is caring. That said, this thread is intended as an informal free-for-all for classical- or not so classical works. Just sit back, relax and have a comment or two. Maybe tell us about the pieces you like and who or what inspires you. Or just leave a painting (bonus points for having a source).

Vincent Van Gogh: The Prisoner's Round

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Raden Saleh Syarif Bustaman (1807-1880), a pioneer of Indonesian painting during the Dutch East Indies.

Raden Saleh created paintings in the style of European romanticism combined with elements of Javanese cultural roots.

The Arrest of Prince Diponegoro (Dutch: Gevangenname van Prins Diponegoro) was created in 1857.

Prince Diponegoro is depicted with his face turned upwards, as his followers cry, and beside him stands the arrogant-looking de Kock.

The Diponegoro War or the Java War against the Dutch lasted for almost five years, between 1825 and 1830. The guerrilla warfare method of Prince Diponegoro and his troops was very troublesome for the colonial government.

On March 28, 1830, Prince Diponegoro went to the house of the Kedu Resident in Magelang to fulfill the Dutch invitation to discuss the possibility of a truce. However, Pangeran Diponegoro was arrested and exiled.

@yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty

  ·  4 months ago (edited)



I love it! I was looking up Raden Saleh and felt pleasantly surprised. You can really see his progress and I think his landscapes in particular are beautiful. Same with the few naval paintings I've seen thus far.

Usually we don't hear much about Indonesian history, or the Dutch colonial empire for that matter and its impact on Southeast Asia.

Honestly, I've also just admired Raden Saleh, giving me new knowledge that Indonesia has extraordinary artists.

We have made me dive further into the history of my own people, thank you for this community event.

I like these works, especially the things related to planes and perspectives, as well as the colors. This is definitely a great artist; I have already entered him for my "Art and Writing" contest.

#wewrite & #comment

Se puede decir que el arresto del Principe fue una trampa, ya que fue en son de paz, fue en representación política para discutir una posible tregua pero fue arrestado y exiliado, eso fue una total traición, algo un poco bajo del contrincante.

Al final de todo esto quien gano la guerra? Valio la pena el sacrificio del principe?

Buen artista, hermosa pintura.

In the end, Prince Diponegoro was moved to Fort Rotterdam in Makassar, South Sulawesi. It was there that Prince Diponegoro died on January 8, 1855, at the age of 69.

It was for me discovery of this artist, he captured a moment of history and it is done with a lot of love to both his historical time and to art, how he paid attention to figures, their position, clothes, the feeling that it is something important been discussed.


Curated by : @stef1

Thanks for your detailed observation on the beauty of the painting @stef1

There have been many artists who have re-created the historical events of their nations through their works, which I find very interesting, because sometimes a picture says more than a thousand words.

#wewrite & #comment

Greetings friend @grebmot

My favorite painter is Armando Reverón.

A Venezuelan who was born to love the art of painting, and who always showed a style different from others. Nature gave him a respite and a new source of inspiration, his works led him to be considered among the most important of Venezuela, along with Arturo Michelena and Martin Tovar y Tovar.

Armando Reverol Un paseo en el parque (1922)

@yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty

Armando Reverón, Landscape, 1922

The longer I look the more interesting it gets. At first glance the man seems very minimalist but there's something going on I can't exactly articulate.

According to what I know, he changed his painting style several times, depending on the experiences he had in each period. He liked to draw people, his wife Juana was his great model.

Un gran artista nuestro Armando Reveron, utilizo sus privilegiadas manos para pintar paisajes hermosos, para descatar lo bello del ser humano dentro de la naturaleza.

La verdad es que las obras de Reverón reflejan un poco su carácter, bastante temperamental y cambiante. Quizás por eso, se paseó por muchos estilos pictóricos. Esta obra me gusta. Suerte, @adeljose.


La delicadeza de sus trazos y los colores difuminados hacen que la obra de Armando Reverón tenga un carácter especial, una firma directa con tan solo la contemplación de sus pinturas.
A pesar de haber experimentado con diferentes técnicas, su estilo fue realmente original. En sus obras siempre buscaba la luz.

#comentario #escribimos @yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty

Hello everyone!!

The painter that I present is Carlos "Cejota" from Villacura. I have seen his art since I was little, since he lives next door to my mom... In every house in the area there is a painting or carving by this artist. He had a fresh, colorful style and always captured the traditions of our country.

Cuadro de CejotaInformación del pintor

A talented and humble artist, the pride of my people and my country.

My favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh... But his name alone already presents his works, his talent and his undoubted art.


@yancar, @inspiracion and @wakeupkitty

I find it amazing everyone in the area has one of his paintings. Notone single soup dared to say: This is not my cup of tea?
Did he or his work inspire you or others? Was er for example a painting class?


He was such a noble man that every year he held parties to celebrate Children's Day, and gave away paintings as prizes.
At Christmas he painted some walls with drawings, I remember that once he painted a Saint Nicholas on the wall of my house!!
But the main reason why all the neighbors have their art is because he had AIDS and in order to pay the costs of his illness he sold his paintings and carvings.
Thanks for your visit!!

That indeed is special and a painting for a prize is awesome. I would have loved to see that wall.

Thabks for replying and giving valuable info.


Hola, My favorite painter is...

Pedro Angel Gonzalez (1901-1981) is a painter, sculptor and author of engravings, native of Margarita Island, Venezuela. Landscape painter, his main theme is the outside world, the urban and natural landscape mainly, in a simple and realistic way allowing the light. Varied techniques highlighting: Etching, messotinta.


La Guaira Street

@yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty

There's definitely some special sauce going on with this one. I've been staring at the painting for a while now, a bit like I was looking for a set of lost keys. I really enjoy the diversity of colors, for starters. It all blends like a good soup. Probably not the best way of phrasing it, but I'm intrigued! :-)

Hello, relax haha I understand and appreciate the interest, everyone looks at it from their own perspective and that is the beauty of art. It fills me with pride to introduce you to this great artist of my island, it is this simplicity and play of color what I love about him, apart from the fact that the children of the island in my time we attended the School of Plastic Arts that bears his name, you can imagine how special this artist is.

A big greeting from Margarita Island, Venezuela.

Have a good one and thanks for sharing!

Un artista de tu región, me imagino como ha pintado las hermosas casa y bellos paisajes de Margaritas, en esta obra nos presentas una calle de la Guaira, donde plasmo con sutileza y realismo estas casa y la calle.

Gracias por participar, bendiciones.

Hola 😃está es una de sus obras emblema por eso la comparto,gracias @yancar.

Me encanta que hayas escogido un artista de tu terruño. Me encantan los colores y la perspectiva. Podría escribir una historia a partir de este cuadro. Te deseo suerte.

Gracias sol,siempre tan gentil,valorando el arte 🤗

Esa zona de la Guaira la han puesto muy hermosa y turística... Está lindo el cuadro, ¿se puede catalogar en el genero abstracto?...

Hola @jacksylondon, no lo creo pues el maestro era paisajista y le gustaba pintar la realidad con luz y color.Feliz día mi linda.

Tanto de Margarita cómo de la Guaira es una excelente representación pictórica. El realismo de las calles y sus colores me hacen pensar en todas esas personas tras las ventanas. ¿Será que ellos nos observan a nosotros?
Yo quisiera contar sus historias tal vez ellos quieren contar las mías.

@yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty

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This reminds me of the paintings for sale in Spain (and the islands) years back. I like the simplicity, colours and serenity. Would it fit in my house? I am not sure.


  ·  4 months ago (edited)

Ivan Aivazovsky: Azure Grotto, Naples 1841

I'm not the right person to make any value judgements about art, at least beyond personal taste, but I enjoy this one. If I were forced to articulate why I'd probably sound like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas, critiquing his mom's painting. "One dog goes one way, the other dog goes the other way."

Can't say much about Ivan Aivazovsky as a person, or his larger body of work for that matter. I just stumbled upon him more or less by accident.

That is also my favourite Artist, he is a maritime artist and this one is my favourite


He is a master in choosing the colours to show the drama of natural disaster and also the beauty of that power. This painting always made me stun and think, what those people think when they were floating on that wooden wreck of ship. Seeing such beauty of night, sun coming down the horizon did they fear of darkness of night or they hoped to see the full moon, who knows.

As to the "Prisoners" it is really sad painting, even the colours were chosen in such palette that make people sad watching that.

  ·  4 months ago (edited)

Yeah, I noticed. He manages to give nature a lot of personality. Large and in charge!

I'm not sure if I would call the Van Gogh painting sad, but it's hard for me to describe. In a sense it almost seems like page taken from an experimental comic book. Or a cartoon for that matter. A little bit of music might change the tone completely.

Is this art? A painting?

Aren't most great artists dealing with sadness, depressions?

Generally, but not necessarily. There's this infamous japanese manga artist who specializes this fucked up stuff, truly, but then in real life he's more or less just a goofy sweatheart who throws cat poses. Meanwhile you've got someone like Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli fame, known for dozens of heartfelt movies about little girls having quirky adventures, and the man talks like he was part of that soccer team that crashed into the Andes Mountains.

This work is brilliant. It conveys anguish to me in particular: the waves, the moon and the small raft that looks as fragile as life itself.

#wewrite & #comment

Please, add some words (around 50) and be an example for #wewrite. It's not always great to click links to receive more info especially not if you use a phone and have to wait ages (like me) till the next site loads. BTW You will be busy next week replying. Better be prepared.

The Azure Grotto reminds me of those in Malta. Perhaps the blue there is closer to turquoise? There are some caves where they filmed The Blue Lagoon and some James Bond. I forgot which one since I always fall asleep if a James Bond film is playing.

But.. Ivan created indeed a beautiful piece. It's a bit pity it shows so small. I wonder if you had it where would you place it to enjoy it most.

Thanks for sharing, all I can think of are two paintings, one made by a child years ago (very colourful and she doesn't understand I still have it) and the other one is Edvard Munch's The Scream but it's not what I like to share. So I wait.

@tezzmax is there a paining you like to share or an artist perhaps?

#wewrite & #comment

  ·  4 months ago (edited)

Oh, not any at the moment.
I should with time.

see the post about what @grebmot wrote!

Oh okay.

I'll try to.

Hahaha. At sea, everyone goes their own way, especially fishermen, because sometimes they devour each other, hehe.

#wewrite & #comment

images (3).jpeg
Photo's sourceMy favourite painter

Here you can see a watercolor painting by one of the greatest painters of Bangladesh, Zainul Abedin, about the greatest famine in Bengal.

Zainul Abedin collected numerous pictures throughout his life and even built a museum to preserve Bengali art. His most popular pictures are about the famine in 1770.


@yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty

I checked on Google and he is certainly recognized as a painter who marked the history of your country.

With my Western eyes, when I saw the image you shared, it seemed like a caricature because of the clean lines and the wonderful simplicity with which he can express his vision.

It speaks to me of the power of art to become a spokesperson for serious situations, making social denunciation.


Can you explain to me what you like about it? Does it speak to you? Would you buy it?

It's an interesting painting more like a simple drawing like a cartoon.


Ma'am, there was a terrible famine in our country in the year 1776 during the British rule. Where about 10 million people died due to food shortage. And Zainul Abedin, the greatest painter of Bangladesh, highlighted the horror of the famine at that time. He painted many pictures of the famine with his extraordinary drawing talent. The picture I shared is one of those paintings.

Thank you for explaining. Do you like it or not because that is not clear to me. I do understand this artist is famous but that doesn't mran you have to like his style.




Its beautiful painting of Anna Molka Ahmed the first Pakistan painter, although I have limited knowledge about the art and painting. But I truly liked her painting. In a delicately she painted old tree which represent the village civilization old people sit together and did a lot of gossiping the problem of people were solved there.

Moreover the scene of village which represent the cool and calm environment perhaps she wanted to show the simple culture of village and its beauty in her own way which is really attractive for me I have seen her many painting but I liked this one because I love village culture love and its value and yeah these are clearly seen in her art work. Simply its mind blowing for us and I am proud of her art work bring first Pakistani painter and female.





Finally, a woman as if art is only for men. I can't see the painting very well but the colours are light and remind me of a field of flowers in spring. A great choice.

Thank you for sharing.


Yeah you guess right and i also liked it thats why i have shared it.

One of the styles that I have liked the most over time is "pointillism", however currently I follow the work of an autistic girl who calls herself "Lara Feline", she has her Instagram account called @virtualfeline.

His paintings have two things that I love: cats and pointillism.

Here a sample



Word count: 50

Note: The images were taken from the artist's Instagram account, I leave her address for the purposes of avoiding plagiarism.


CC: @yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty

It is very colourful and it reminds me of the old pictures we bought at primary school to brighten up the "poetry" we wrote in the poetry-booklet of a classmate.

Did you notice you are in the community art & artists and @grebmot posted this perhaps he likes to share his opinion as well. I like the first most.

Thank you and above all thank you for sharing this.

A good comment


The one I like the most browsing her instagram is the kitty that's half and half. I enjoy that mirrored, symmetrical style and how she breaks that symmetry at the same time. Definitely very girly, but that's her prerogative.

Saludos querida amiga alanasteemit, son una belleza de obras, pero no puedo distinguir si son pinturas realizadas a mano o si son pinturas generadas virtualmente, que son?

Los gatos inspiran a muchos, son animales con su propio caracter bien marcado.

Gracias por participar, bendiciones.

El puntillismo es una técnica muy interesante. A mí me encanta. Con respecto a las obras de Lara Feline, destaco la combinación de colores: Mucha suerte.

Veo mucho colorido y gatitos y eso me encanta... Amo a los gatos...

Me encantaría tener algún cuadro así en un pasillo de mi casa, me diera alegría...

No se nada de arte y no conozco el puntillismo, pero ¿ha de ser su nombre por los puntos de colores que se ven en las pintura?



M.F. Husain was the uncrowned king of colors and many compared him to the Picasso of India, but his name has also been associated with controversy.

While his paintings were good, he is best known for creating controversial bold, vibrant, and colorful paintings.


Husain was also a brilliant photographer and filmmaker. He won many national awards for his works of art, but his antics never gave him the recognition he deserved.

@yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty

Muchos artistas cuando no se rigen por ciertas normas, son catalogados o no son valorados como se debe, es este el caso de Husain.

Esta foto que presentas es una de sus pinturas? O es una escultura?

Gracias por participar, bendiciones.

He was given all due respect started behaving differently in the end painting in a way unacceptable to a section of the society. This is one of his large number of paintings.

In 1996 he courted controversy after his paintings of Hindu deities in the nude, originally painted in the 1970s, were interpreted as anti-Hindu. After eight legal cases and death threats in India, he went on his self imposed exile.

Seems like a weird thing to get mad about. Especially coming from the culture that came up with the Kamasutra. On the other hand, India appears to be somewhat rigid in ways I don't really understand. Or as a westerner, I guess. Take the no kissing in movies kind of thing, for example.

I like this one.

Actually, what he faced was kind of retaliation otherwise there was no objection.

No kissing is fine. I like Korean films because of that.

If it comes to India they are more known and at times disliked for different reasons than weird artists. Can be the artists wasn't part of the right class or is it called cast? 🤔

Are you a colourful person @grebmot

  ·  4 months ago (edited)

Some might say I'm a colorful person, but I'm not a person of color. If that's what you're asking ;-)

Could be classism, totally. To be fair though, I think we've got a little bit of that going on as well. My dad was a plumber and I remember stumbling upon a giant painting he did on a large piece of drywall. Must've been in the wake of my parent's divorce. I didn't even know he could do that and for all I can tell it was the only painting he ever did. He never even mentioned it, despite having talent. Being an artist? Might as well could've told him to become an astronaut. Seriously.

Then you've got plenty of college educated snobs, who sneer at the thought of working class people doing their own art. Like legit dirt shoveling, straight from the construction site type of beer drinking blue-collar workers. Could be because they're not adhering to implied rules and regulations, like in terms of what constitutes being a proper "artiste", or just them potentially ruining the scam. You know, the whole Wizard of Oz, don't mind the man behind the curtain type of thing. Unless you're legitimately undeniably great, but ironically enough they then might end up building a phantasmagoria around you. Because you couldn't just be a guy, you know?

Personally I recall a rare visit to big art store. It sounds absurd, but it really felt like I was having a fever dream. Each way I looked I saw guys wearing black turtle necks and french berets smugly jibber jabber about their paint brushes and who knows what. Then a frigid looking woman would walk by and winkle her nose at a mom browsing magic markers and mumble some thinly veiled insult. It was weird. Not even good weird, just weird. Back home I felt dirty. So much so I almost trashed my own art. I can't properly articulate the sentiment, but I just stood there hovering over my doodles in silence. Like some kind of conflicted farmer with a revolver in his hand, thinking about putting down a sick horse.

Hi @dove11

I just looked up the artist and the first images that appeared remind me of Picasso, but in Husain I see much more strength, movement and freedom. His frames seem almost cinematic.

Source: Doodle of Google

He was one of the best as an artist and he won everything in India but the only thing that went against him was his public behavior.

Guao. Esta obra me encanta. Tiene un mensaje metapictórico interesante. Me documentaré más sobre los trabajs realizados por Husains

Thanks for tagging me. Let's tag @tezzmax @grebmot and @joslud as well.

It feels to me that Husain is an allround very skilled artist.
Like Michelangelo Husain is remembered for his paintings and also photographs (most likely seen in the same line) and film making. Perhaps this fame overshadowed all his other creations? I wonder if it is caused by what is promoted first.

Strange how his antics never made him world famous. 🤔

Thanks for sharing this great artist.

#wewrite & #comment

Actually, this great painter made so much mockery of a particular religion so he didn't get what he deserved although he earned tons of moneies.
@tezzmax @grebmot and @joslud as well.

Nice. I just checked him out, his abstractions are quite fascinating.

You know he never used footwear but went barefoot everywhere? He had a lot of money but he was a weird artist. If he behaved a little normally, he would be on top of the painting world. 😂

Lol..... Artists are bound to be weird in their own way.

I agree. Why do shoes matter? Ihave strong doubts about artists doing tricks to fit in.

Whatever works for each and everyone of us I guess.

The painting, “creation of Adam” was designed by Michelangelo at Sistine Chapel and it took him four years.

This painting remains one of his best works in his career that depicts divinity and humanity with the nearly touching fingers that symbolize the transfer of life from God to man.

Word count: 49





Un gran artista, un maestro, un genio que dejo muchas obras magníficas.

Gracias por participar.

You shared a painting but I don't read your opinion. Famous doesn't mean you like it. I don't like the mona lisa for example so no way I would take that one because it is famous (often because people fool with the painting.

I for example would like to know what hides underneath the picture.


I for example would like to know what hides underneath the picture.

I have some few things to say about the picture but I had to reduce it, so it won’t exceed the “50 words”.

Except I’m permitted to say it under my comment!

Debo confesar que no se mucho de arte, pero amo la pintura abstracta. Estuve investigando y me encontré con esta valiosa información...

Wassily Kandinsky, pintor ruso considerado como el creador de la primera pintura abstracta en 1910...

Obra sin titulo considerada como la primera pintura abstracta creada ...

Willem de Kooning, USA creo la pintura abstracta más cara del mundo, vendido en 300000$...


Interchange, 1955 ...

¿Crees que esta pintura merece valer tanto?


@yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty

It is always questionable if it comes to the value of a painting. A smart promoting, being rare, beingdead helps plus creating FOMO among the rich (it is an investment right?).

Would I pay for it? Perhaps but these are works I would show in the waiting room of a doctor, vet or dentist. It gives something to look at. I would hang a paper next to them with the words: Do you see the 14 animals in this painting.

Thanks for sharing.

#wewrite & #comment what do you see @bluelavender and @tezzmax?

Good entry 🍀♥️👍

Ciertamente, el autor que tan polémico fue, el tiempo en que murió, la competencia entre ricos, etc, aumenta más el valor, yo realmente no lo pagaría, porque excelentes pintores hay en el mundo y preferiría apoyar a un buen pintor humilde... Y gracias @Wakeupkitty por la creación de este concurso aprendí mucho de pintura...

Me alegra saber que ha aprendido mucho sobre pintura. Es un buen tema para debatir. Una vez el profesor de arte me preguntó qué pensaba de un cuadro. Le dije: feo.
Se puso furiosa porque no se me permitía decirlo, ¡porque era arte! ¿Y por qué no? Si el arte es una creación de sentimientos y tiene un mensaje, ¿por qué no se me permite usar el mío y decir que es 👎?

Sharing is Caring empezó con @grebmot así que no fue idea mía.

@grebmot ¿dónde estás? ¡Este cumplido es para ti!


I'm here, somewhere. Lurking from the shadows :-)

Some pretty scary heads 🤣
Insects and animals like you said.

There are many paintings I could choose from, but I really enjoy staring at Leonardo DaVinci's "Lady with an Ermine."

It's an oil painting of a woman holding an ermine . She looks focused on something in the distance and I can't quite tell what she's looking at. She's studying her subject very carefully with a very subtle and calm expression on her face.

Leonardo DaVinci's understanding of anatomy and intricate details along with the ability to make viewers ponder on what she's looking at makes this painting really special.

@owulama what's your favourite painting?


Leonardo DaVinci: Lady with An Ermine
Image by © Britannica

#wewrite #comment

@yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty.pal

It's not an ermine these are very tiny animals. What you see is a ferret. The white ones were the pets and kept long before cats.

A nice choice.


This is a painting of a Forest road from my favorite painter Ben Enwonwu (1921-1994) who was a Nigerian sculptor and painter, and a father of modern African art.

This particular painting is very unique, it reminds me of my village in Nigeria where we pass through a road like this to get to the stream and fetch water.



I would love to see his sculptures.😁

I love the colours and this one would fit in my house (most walls are empty - also because I fear they come down).


@tezzmax @grebmot what do you say about this painting?

Thanks alot ma, I will show you some of his sculptures once I finish my task 3

Don't know if this is going to make sense, but it's interesting how something seemingly exotic might feel reminiscent of a childhood memory to others. Makes me wonder about my own memories and things you might consider exotic.

Cometí un error al escribir. Por favor, olvida lo del taller. Solo deseo saber si puedo hablar sobre un pintor moderno en el post de @grebmot. Lo pregunto, porque sus obras están publicadas en facebook, y otros blogs, cuyas imágenes no sé si son de dominio público.

  ·  4 months ago (edited)

I'm not sure about posting copyrighted material, but I suppose there's no harm in talking about it and linking a facebook page. Shouldn't be an issue as long as it's safe. Or as far as I'm concerned, at least.

Just be careful about sharing or clicking anything sketchy.

Perfecto. Muchas gracias.

@yancar @inspiracion @wakeupkitty
There is no end in sight, and there are people in front and behind, locked and unable to escape from the cage.

Should there be an end in sight?
Join @chengcool and share your painting with us.
You are welcome.




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Curated by : @stef1

Thank you!

I pinned this one. You can do this too as a MOD👍

  ·  4 months ago (edited)

Thanks! I didn't want to be impolite :-)

It looks as if you started a comment contest. 👍

I'm an agent of chaos :-)

images (1).jpeg

Leonardo da Vinci, is my one my best painters, I love most of his paintings because they look real and they are mostly iconic. This particular painting shows the baptism of Jesus Christ.

When Jesus Christ was baptized a Dove appeared at that spot. Is an unforgettable day for christians.


@wakeupkitty, @yancar and @inspiracion

Sorry, I forgot to hit the 'send' button while searching for some extra info.

Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan or? To me this doesn't look real but an interpretation of someone (not necessary the painter's) most likely the one who hired him to paint this - The Roman Catholic Church he despised). It is a painting full of symbolism and with a message. Holy, saints but thr most important thing (baptizing in a river and what Jezus saw) is not painted. We see what should be projected ( kind of) and what we like to see.

Michelangelo Buonarotti was gay. He despised the Catholic church, his last boyfriend was 34 years younger, he never saw a naked woman unless it was a corpse he stole and painted naked men with the head of a female (the anatomy). There was even a painter called the "trouser painter" who had to cover all the naked Michelangelo presented.

The last judgement is a great painting because? It was cleaned in the 90s and we see some interesting parts of his life. Kissing men (old with young) going to heaven, a not too filled with love look of Maria as she looks at her son. Also the female poet is present who is the leader of a group fighting the Roman Catholic church (good enough to be followed by the inquisition and if caught be judged as a witch and die on the stakes! A witch was everyone with an opiniin and against the Catholic church. ).

So it's not realism we face but symbolism and Michelangelo Buonarotti left many messages behind and for sure they can be found in all his paintings but it depends on our knowledge of history (life back then, with how many a painting was painted, the wars, fights against the rulers, the average attitude against artists) if we can see the true colours.

Perhaps you can translate this Dutch article about 'The last judgement'.


Sorry, I forgot to hit the 'send' button while searching for some extra info

Alright is ok. This painter really has alot of stories, wow. Yeah is painting is an interpretation. Thank you for these information. I also respect my church which is the catholic church, alot.

Catholic and Roman Catholic back then were/isn't the same but it seems they still rule (and what a wealth Vatican city has...).

A great day to you and thanks for joining.