RE: Introduction to a Poet - Christian Lanciai

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Introduction to a Poet - Christian Lanciai

in hive-120695 •  2 months ago 

Hola, @scc664

Es interesante ver un post sobre un poeta en una comunidad dirigida a las artes visuales, es bienvenido pues nos recuerda el amplio universo del arte en todas sus expresiones.

Sería interesante, pudieses plasmar gráficamente las emociones y experiencias que te genera la lectura de alguno de los poemas de Christian Lancia.

Nos leemos, amigo.

Gracias por publicar en esta comunidad.

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It would also be good if questions are answered since these posts are very basic info that can be found everywhere. We like to add something to the community, the artists and not just posting short commercial like posts + link to a site. It doesn't feel as if interest is shown in the artist and his work.

También estaría bien que se respondieran preguntas, ya que estos posts son información muy básica que se puede encontrar en todas partes. Nos gusta aportar algo a la comunidad, a los artistas y no limitarnos a publicar posts cortos de tipo comercial + enlace a un sitio. No parece que se muestre interés por el artista y su obra.


Curated by : @stef1


I think poetry is also a form of art, where you create inner images.

It is but it would be nice if you add a bit extra and also answer the comment underneath your other post.

I also like to refer you to the rules of this community and take note of the fact visual art is important here and not everyone is able to listen/watch long videos so text is important as well.

Thanks for joining us and a creative December.