A Brush Stroke From History - Two Swedish Artists Show their Works

in hive-120695 •  3 months ago 

Gallery Engleson - Freddy Åkesson

The Artist Freddy Åkesson at Gallery Engleson.

A Brush Stroke from History - Freddy Åkesson and Nora Zolotov.
Today's two artists are current with their own exhibition.
Freddy Åkesson exhibits at Galleri Engleson. The title of his exhibition is "Behaviours". He paints exclusively in oil and the style he shows he calls "Twisted Reality".
With his paintings, he wants to depict us humans and our different behaviors, in more or less twisted compositions.
Nora Zolotov is a graphic artist and shows her work at Grafik i Väst. The title of her exhibition is "Body Memories".
Two artists show their works.

Ett penseldrag från historien - Freddy Åkesson and Nora Zolotov.
Dagens två konstnärer är aktuella med var sin utställning.
Freddy Åkesson ställer ut på Galleri Engleson. Titeln på hans utställningen är ”Behaviours”. Han målar uteslutande i olja och stilen han visar kallar han ”Twisted Reality”.
Med sina tavlor vill han gestalta oss människor och våra olika beteenden, i mer eller mindre skruvade kompositioner.
Nora Zolotov är grafiker och visar sin verk hos Grafik i Väst. Titeln på hennes utställning är "Kroppsminnen".
Två konstnärer visar sina verk.

Måne 99.png

Grafik i Väst - Nora Zolotov



Text and photo Morgan Carlsson @scc664
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You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Thank you for joining us. Can you tell us a bit more about you and your interests? Why is it you like to bring those artists to our attention? Do you like them, are you one of them or is it the difference between oil paint and AI "grafic" (AI?) art?

I myself have a master's degree in photography from the University of Photography in Gothenburg.
For several years now, I usually go on a gallery tour in Gothenburg, where I go and experience the art life at the city's galleries. I call the tour that goes on "Art Gallery Tour" and is a short summary of the galleries that have their openings. The two artists who have portrayed are from the latest gallery tour which is also on the "Art Gallery Tour 38.

Welcome to our community.
Personally, I love your insight on these artists exhibitions. I find the titles they both used fascinating as much as I find the pieces too but I think the large piece by Nora is my favorite.