RE: Some Art We Like From A Distance

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Some Art We Like From A Distance

in hive-120695 •  3 months ago  (edited)

There is a time for everything and who knows you see something you can paint with like tea or some different food colours.
You can make one layer or a sketch first and let it grow in days, weeks or even months. If you observe after you did one step for a longer peiod you might see the next step and find the right colour.

It sounds as if houses are build everywhere and at times I believe people are scared so the place walls and fenches and take more dogs to protect themselves or the world against them.

I believe there were always fenches during my childhoid. I remember how the houses were build on the meadow and by now there's a sea of stone, houses in bad shape due lack of money and no meadow left. The water is grey and I am not sure if there's still life in it. I searched for fish and frogs. It's all protected, not allowed to eat but at the same time everything is killed. Frogs are gone, hedgehidges rare, the fox protected and they set out wolves but the water is bad ir we live on it and trees are removed rapdly just like farmers have to stop since they are called the source of the bad environment just like nature is. The truth is 13 families in the world have a higher footprint than the entire world population. We can not make any difference except if we no longer buy.
Children no longet play outside, climb trees, go fishing and roam through the neighbourhood. I remember how normal it was when I was a child but also to see dogs and cats outside. Not to mention the birds (including pooping on your head). I liked searching in the gravel lanes behind the houses for lost coins ir other reasures. It's the time of the year moms are baking and frying in their sheds for the celebrations coming up. Iliked the smell. No one does it these days. It's strange how easily people forget about the simple joys of life.

It would be goid if you can buy a new phone and laptop to make life easier and it is access to the world if you have to kill which makes it feel less wasted.

If it comes to skills. We can learn and you learned how to make your laptop run again. Mine has 4 GB as well but can't be fixed so I mainly use the phone. It's strange to consider how it allworked fast vut due to "new technologies" (more like extra weight, spyware) there's suddenly no access or everything is frozen. Good to hear you no longer deal with a blue screen. Computers are helpful if they work but the hours of my life I invest in "figuring out" the problems, solving it or simply wait till something will happen are countless just like the crashes.
You are a skilled person. You made your laptop better, found solutions for your health and make your own ompilks. Next to that your photos are good even when you drive and with a low camera.
Can you paint? I think you can and should do it again and improve that skill. The thing about art is that frequently the result is not what we have in mind but that doesn't mean it's not worth to be seen and the message cannot be felt.

It takes a lot of energy to live 24/7 with pain and I understand that it's not inviting to do more what increases it. So for now I hope your bones and body will heal more and the pain will be reduced drastically.

What I admire about you is how you always keep searching, moving and writing and keep being positive. That is a skill as well.

Btw I found the capsules on aliexpress but not the capsule filing machine" and can't use the site you mentioned. There's something out of wood to hold them. I might try that since it's better than holding them by hand alrhough I doubt I can fill the other half and place it on top of it.

I wish you a good day after dialyze and good fortune.

P. S. Most barking dogs are afraid. You can feed them or raise your voice and they crawl away.

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Thank you Miss @wakeupkitty for all your support, encouragement, well-wishes, and all that positive responses. I do keep on trying to improve myself in all aspects and with plans to make a difference to my situation in life and also to other people's lives whenever I can especially for my parents which had been dragged by my misfortune.

My father is already showing signs of being tired of driving me to and from the dialysis clinic with his subtle words like saying that at their age (him and my mother) that they should be just relaxing inside the house and not doing all these things for me.

I am human and I can sense the message from my father which is why I feel sorry for both of them and feel angry that I caused a lot of hardships due to this now more difficult situation that I cannot just escape like that because come rain or shine whether there is a typhoon or not, I just have to go for my dialysis session and it takes more time and effort for my parents especially now that my mother is feeling aches and pain already.

All that I can do is to wish that I can be able to reach my financial goals and it had been taking too much time since I am a one-man team for trying to achieve it. I am talking about being able to make the lives of my parents more comfortable which is why I said that until I can secure myself financially, all the plans will come only second because I have no one to turn to in this world if it happens that I find myself wanting in the events such as medical emergencies for the three of us.

Anyway, with regards to the capsule maker machine, I just hope that you can find one in one of the available online shops in your country. It is a good thing to have one if you plan to take herbal supplements for your health needs. For me I just needed to do it so I can easily take Moringa powder without contending with its taste. I might buy a bigger capsule maker for the biggest capsule size so that I do not have to make lots of capsules so that I can save a lot of time in doing it because of my backpain although its quite fun to make our own capsules.

I wish you a fine day, God bless you always. 😀👍🌹🌹🌹