The January Contest#2 by sduttaskitchen| Management!

in hive-120823 â€ĸ  last month 

Greetings to all of you my Friends 💕

Hello my dear friends. I am one of your friends. My name is Kartik Agarwal. I live in India. I am going to participate in the contest. I like this topic very much. Contest host by @sduttaskitchen . So let's begin without wasting time;

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What is your perspective on the word management?

Management means to operate, whether it is in the case of business or doing household work in a completely correct manner, it is called management. The work of making a plan to do any work in a systematic manner and following it smoothly can be called management. The person doing management is truly intelligent and smart in every way and skilled in all the works. The person under whose supervision all the works are done systematically is skilled and proficient in every work and there can never be any increase or stop in the work done under his supervision because he is skilled and has the efficiency to do the work. In the true sense, that is called real management.

How does word management impact our lifestyle? Explain.

Management does not affect our lifestyle because the person who is performing the duty of management is fully skilled and efficient in his work. He has a good understanding of how to do every work. He has the skill to do every work in the right way at the right time and he is not affected by his lifestyle for doing all his work.


He keeps achieving success in all his works by using the right management under an efficient leadership and shows his efficiency by doing every work in a systematic way. An efficient management is not affected by the work of the manager. An efficient manager can take care of his work along with his daily work. This is his true and real duty.

Share some management tips that you follow in your daily lifestyle.

I do many such management tasks in my daily lifestyle due to which it becomes very easy for me to do all the tasks like I do my household chores in the right way by thinking and with proper management and never give anyone a chance to complain, whether it is related to the children's studies or other household works.


I have made it a daily rule to do all the tasks of my lifestyle in the right way and at the right time. Under this management, I do all the tasks sequentially and at the right time, due to which there is no difference to my daily lifestyle and my lifestyle or daily routine remains perfect.

I would like to invite my three friends @chant , @deepak94 , @paholags


❤ī¸I hope you enjoyed very much by reading my post. Thank you so much for reading till the end❤ī¸

Best Regards By


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