Incredible India monthly contest of November #1| Definition of a great leader!

in hive-120823 •  8 days ago 

Being a leader is not an easy task; you will have to guide those under your control to behave well and be creative and productive. Making sure you do your best as the leader is essential because the organization will indeed prosper and get stronger. This contest will enable us to know who a leader is and how to differentiate leader and leadership.


In your perspective, what's the Definition of a good leader?

In my knowledge, I see a good leader as an individual who has a clear vision, knowledge, and innovation for the association/team with the ability to inspire other members to share their vision for the betterment of the association.

I see a good leader as a person who is responsible for being entrusted with important duties that are taken seriously. A good always leads his followers by example; in this way, his subordinates can become good leaders in the future.

Here are the qualities of a good leader.

  1. A good leader is a person who follows the rules and does what is meant to be done at the actual time to gain the trust of members by always being honest because this will improve the organization.

  2. Being a good leader means that you should earn the respect of the members and also treat other members in a manner which you, the le, would like to be treated to create cooperation and harmony in the team.

  3. A good leader is also expected to know what they can do and what is their weakness, this will enable them to make use of their strength and let their weakness be taken care of by other members of the association to build what is known as team spirit.


  1. A good leader is a person who supports innovation and is willing to take risks for the growth of the organization and makes everyone else contribute to the growth of the team by accepting their ideas and adapting to their way of reasoning.

  2. If you are a good leader, you should also live and lead by example; by doing this, you will be respected and honored for leading according to the rules and setting guidelines for others to imitate.

  3. A good leader is also expected to encourage the team for their support and unity in ensuring that the organization takes a positive step forward.

What is the difference between leader and leadership? Explain!

Here are the differences between the terms leader and leadership.


A leader is a person who is elected or assigned to surprise the activities of an organization, team, or group. While



The term leadership is a process of guiding a team to achieve aims and objectives. The term leadership has to do with communication, decision-making, planning, etc.

The word leadership involves more individuals, but the term leader has to do with a person spearheading the activities of the association.

The word leader stands for the representation of a person while the word leadership stands for the process of leading.

Who is your all-time favorite leader? Why?

I will say that finding someone who is an all-time leader is not easy. My favorite all-time leader is Ikechukwu Enegere Emmanuel, our vice president of the Altar Servers Association. He is a person of integrity and is someone who can lead an organization and take it to the next level.

Me and my all time leader who is our VP

The reason why he is my all-time leader is because he knows how to harmonize the organization when the members are not behaving right. He is also a person who is always punctual for all our activities, which made him our vice president.

We had an emotion last year, and he was elected as the vice president; he was fit for this post. During this year, the priest said that there should be another election since most of the elected representatives had left for school in the tertiary institution, and after the election, he was still elected as the VP of the Altar servers. This clearly shows that he is meant to lead others by assisting the president.

He is a person who has helped in improving the organization so far. He allows everyone to have a say in matters concerning the association even if you are not a representative of the organization.

I will like to invite @john247, @josepha, @anthony002, @ahmneska, @ninapenda, @bonaventure24 and @goodybest to participate in this contest.

Thanks for reading my post

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Well done brother I can see that your all time leader is ikechukwu and he is good but your post is better.