SEC17/W5|Do you believe in reincarnation?

in hive-120823 •  2 months ago 

Hello friends!
I believe I could add to this topic usefulness. Reincarnation has a definite meaning, but so many have diverse opinions about this, which in some cases are either traditionally inclined or religiously inclined. In either case, it is all about a reborn, rebirth, or a comeback of in another form.


Do you believe there is a reincarnation? Justify your belief.

I don't believe in reincarnation despite all the stories that emanate from its existence. I have heard several stories about the comeback of the dead into another new life, but my worry is, how did it all happen.

Our older parents, for some of us that still met our grandparents, we should be conversant with this term reincarnation. Their stories may seem interesting and sometimes real, but I still have great reservations on believing this concept.

I remember a story from my grandmother when she was still alive on this same issue. She said that I am the husband who came back due to the ressemblance and other physical features.

But on the contrary, there are so many things we so believed due to the traditional norms and cultural background. But this is a different story for me as i do not belong to the traditional era as science and advancement say a different thing.

Do you believe we get back our relationships through reincarnation? Describe.

Not at all! It does not in any way have any dorect correlation with our activities. I do not believe in reincarnation. Therefore, it does not foster any relationship whatsoever for me.

For instance, when a man dies and supposedly rebirthed through another delivery. What happens thereafter; does the woman marry the newborn as rhe husband; does she continue her conjugal obligations. All no! There's no created relationship after death.


Do you like to be born just like what you are in this life, or would you wish to adopt any other person's life if there is a reincarnation? Explain the reasons behind your choice.

In as much I dont believe in reincarnation in any of its kind but for the purpose of this contest topic, I wouldn't want to be some else in any kind. 6 want to maintain my personality but this time.this should come with added glory.

I do not have all the monies to make life soft for me at this time, therefore, my next reborn should comes with enough financial additions. This wouod enable me handle some well to do obligations and as well imorove my status.

I already had the required personality of a kind being that comes with absolute gentility, humility, and hospitable. I am contented with how I've been so far that wouldn't need another personality.

I am greatful to the organizers of this contest. It allowed me to share my opinion via entry made.

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