SEC17/W1|Heaven and Hell fantasy or reality?

in hive-120823 •  6 months ago  (edited)
Happy Sunday Steemians! Trust God your day went well, my humble appreciation to everyone reading my post and to @miraindia in Incredible India.


Do you believe there is a place named heaven and hell out of this world? Justify your belief.

Yes of course!
One not believing there is a place named Heaven or Hell is like not believing the Earth exist. Is like believing there is nothing like death, is like believing there is no reward of doing good and doing bad. Is like saying you don't believe there's God, and the Holy Bible says that it is only a fool that will say in his heart that there's no God.

These are two different destinations here after, one can not be in both at the same time; and also you can not miss heaven and miss Hell. So many people are with the believe that after here there is nothing, meaning once you die that is all for you; it might interest you to know that that is not true. Heaven is real and Hell is real too.

Heaven is where God's throne resides and the angels and also where the saints shall enjoy eternity here after (Isa. 66:1; Mark 13:32; Eccl: 5:2;) while Hell is a place for everlasting punishment or judgement prepared for the devil and his angels and also those that did not obey and follow God's commandments.

This is my humble question to all steemeans, where will you spend your eternity? This is not a joke, Heaven and Hell are both real.
In a funeral ceremony, by close observation, the big question is where is he/she now?

Scientific research or theories have no answer to this question, but the Word of God has made it known to us clearly the truth about Heaven and Hell. It is very difficult for educated people who based their knowledge on science or things they can observed via the use of common senses to believe this truth but those that believes on the authority of the Word of God will.


Jesus himself gave us a vivid illustration of heaven and hell in the book of Luke 16:19 - 31. Here you read about a certain rich man and a certain beggar named Lazarus. In verse 22 we are made to understand that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom; and the rich man also died and was buried.

A man with too much academic, scientific and sense knowledge will think that is the end but when you go further to verse 23 the Bible said that in hell the rich man lift up his eyes, being in torments and saw Abraham from afar and Lazarus in his bosom.

Verse 24 continue by saying that the rich man cried and begged Father Abraham to have mercy on him and send Lazarus to go and dip the tip of his finger in water so that he can cool his tongue for he is tormented inside a flame of fire.

The tragic thing here is that hell is a place of torment. Hell is not a place where you sit around and socialize or catch fun, It's a place of intense agony and utter despair. All the rich man was asking for at that time was a single drop of water believing that might bring him some relief.

Listen to me Steemians, hell is a place you will not by any means want to go nor is it a place you will want any of your loved ones to go either.
Yes,! Hell is a real place but it is important to know that it wasn't originally intended for man. Hell according to the Word of God was created as a place of great torment and punishment for the devil and his angels.

It is never God's intention that you go there, however, you have the right to choose to go there if you want. God will not stop you, you can choose to follow Satan and his demonic cohorts to hell.

Do you believe karma decides our future, and we get results according to the same?


By carefully observing the law of karma you will understand that whatever you do will always create a corresponding result or outcome. Whatever you think or do in other to achieve a set goal, will give you a corresponding result.

Your results is determined by your thoughts or the actions you put. For example: if you want love or to be loved you must first love yourself; also if you desire to live peacefully in this world you need to focus on making peace for others.

If you want things to happen in your life you may need to take a corresponding action and not waiting for them to magically happened.

Do you believe immortality and chasteness are some factors that affect our lifestyle? Describe.

In my own opinion, this is absolutely true; immorality and chasteness are factors that really affect our lifestyle. What is immorality and chasteness.

Simply put, IMMORTALITY is the ability of living forever or the ability of someone lasting forever without death. CHASTENESS is simply being pure. Looking at the two definitions above, imagine all human can live forever without seeing death; the level of wickedness would have been at it peak without any fear of death.

People are without a choice of living their lives with somany cautions because they know that life in this world has an end to it afterwards judgement. Doing good and living a pure life is a pathway to heaven while living a careless and way-worth life leads to hell.

I will like to invite my friends, @josepha, @ruthjoe, and @samuelernest to join this contest.

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So many people believe that these are real places where souls go after death, based on religious beliefs and scriptures. Heaven is seen as a place of eternal happiness and reward for those who lived a righteous life, while Hell is described as a place of eternal punishment and torment for those who did evil.



  • অবশ্যই স্বর্গ নরক আমরা বিশ্বাস করি। স্বর্গ এমন একটা জায়গা যেখানে আল্লাহ তায়ালা এবং আল্লাহর ফেরেশতা বসবাস করে। আমরা যদি ভালো কাজের মাধ্যমে ওখানে যেতে পারি। তাহলে আমরাও সেখানে বসবাস করতে পারবো। ওই জায়গাটার নাম হচ্ছে জান্নাত, আর ওখানেই আমরা অনন্তকাল শান্তিতে থাকতে পারবো।


  • আপনার পোস্টে তৃতীয় নাম্বার ছবিটি কপিরাইট ফ্রি নয়। অনুগ্রহপূর্বক কপিরাইট ফ্রি ছবি, ব্যবহার করার চেষ্টা করুন।

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You have a nice understanding to this topic. You said if not believing on Heaven or Hell it's like not believing the Earth exist. Yes this is true my friend. It is the same as like believing there is no death, or no reward of doing good and bad. I completely agree to your mentality my friend.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.