SEC17/W4|"Gift that can impress me."

in hive-120823 •  2 months ago  (edited)


Hello members of Incredible India, I hope everyone is fine. Today, we are talking on a very interesting topic which is gifting. Gifts otherwise called presents are things given or acts done to show our love, appreciation or remorse for wrong done to someone. Gifts isn't only physical but can be services rendered, kind words or gestures. People underrate the value of gift. Sometimes, it is usually given without expecting anything in return except it's an occasion or season for exchange of gift. I love gifts and I have received few and I also try to return the gesture tho not always. The first gift we ever got was from God to mankind through His son to save us from sin, so gift giving didn't just start today.

What is the preferred gift that can impress you? The reason behind your choice.

I love gift and I appreciate especially when it comes from someone dear to me. My most preferred gift is quality time with loved ones. This is because quality time spent with loved ones and enhances and promotes a healthy relationship. Sometimes loved ones are so busy that they don't even have time for us and this affects the relationship, so a quality time created inbetween schedule is a nice gift. The quality time can come in the form of traveling a long distance, lodging in hotels, going to the beach, spending time in swimming pools, etc. This is one gift i treasure so much because it leaves me with good memories. This kind of trip and quality time spent together strengthens relationship and conflict is resolved at the end.


Another gift I love is the gift of fragrance or perfumes. A perfume speaks a lot about someone from the fragrance that emanates. Perfumes cab send non verbal message to a person. I appreciate it when I'm gifted perfume and at different times, I also gift myself a nice perfume. It's one thing I never lack as a lady. Perfumes are mostly given to love ones. Perfumes can also be a sigh of romantic gestures. It can be given as a sign of love, appreciation, inspiration or apology. Another gift I also take to heart is wrist watches. I love them and at different birthdays, I have gifted myself one. Tho I am not in love with jeweleries, but I appreciate if I'm given.




Do you believe the gift is a gesture that sometimes helps to enhance our relationships?

Yes, gift is a gesture that sometimes helps to enhance our relationships. Gifts convey emotions and deepen connections between partners. It can be a gesture of love, appreciation, or an apology. A gift can be given as an appreciation by a human to a wife who just gave birth to encourage her, it can also be given to someone to show that the person is sorry for what he or she did wrong, it can be used to express oneself where one couldn't express himself or herself in words, example delivering a cake with 'I love you' or 'marry me' inscribed on it. The only problem with gift giving is when a person frequently gifts it when he or she has dine wrong but isn't ready to change, so he or she continues in the same line of action but believes giving gift will make things better. Giving gift parts from strengthening relationship also keeps memories alive. Giving gift mustn't only be physical, gestures can also be gifts like change from attitude from infidelity to fidelity, words of assurance of love, massaging a loved one after a stressful day, volunteering to take time off work to take care of a loved one, helping out in an organization or community.

Have you ever received any gift that is still memorable to you?

I have received some gifts from loved ones at different times. One of my memorable gifts came from my father when I was about 20 years on my birthday. It was the gift of a phone and it was a surprise to me since I wasn't expecting anything like that. I have been given the gift of shopping by my father when he took me out and bought me lots of things,I was asked to pick whatever I want. I have also received numerous gifts from my paternal grandmother ranging from wrapper materials to clothes to bags and they all came at a time I didn't expect. One of the most touching gifts came from my students last year when I was celebrating my birthday. Giving mustn't be one sided, so I have also given people gifts at different times.


A gift is something valuable we give to people to show that they mean so much to us. A gift mustn't really be expensive, it can be something small but thoughtful, as long as it comes from the heart, it's fine. It's not good for someone to be a receiver always, if one has been receiving gift, one can also give. It mustn't always be for family members, giving someone a ride along the way can be a gift, helping someone to pay for something small in a shop can be a gift, helping a tired person can be a gift. Gifts can brighten someone's day and make someone's life easier, it brings a smile to a person's face.

I'm calling on @eglis,
@Zekanem to join in this contest.

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  • কমিউনিটির পক্ষ থেকে আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ, এই প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য। কিন্তু আপনার লেখাটি ফরমেট ব্যবহার করে ভেরিফাই করতে পারলাম না।
  • কারণ আপনার লেখাতে উপস্থাপিত প্রতিটি ছবি কপিরাইট। প্রথম ছবিটির উৎস লিংকআপ ও সঠিক না। আমাদের কমিউনিটিতে সর্বদাই স্টিমিট প্ল্যাটফর্ম কর্তৃপক্ষ কর্তৃক নির্ধারিত সকল নিয়মাবলি অনুসরণ করা হয়। এই ধরনের কাজ গ্রহণ করা হয় না। অনুগ্রহ পূর্বক, পরবর্তীতে এই ধরনের কাজ করা থেকে নিজেকে বিরত রাখুন।

  • বন্ধু, সম্ভব হলে সম্পাদনা করে আমাকে মন্তব্যের উত্তরে জানাতে পারেন ‌। তাহলে আমি পুনরায় চেক করে ফরমেট ব্যবহার করে আপনার পোস্টটি ভেরিফাই করবো।

Gift are really wonderful ways to enhance relationships and make sure it bonds much more stronger and that is actually how it should be. I see gifts as a way of even Sustaining relationship

Saludos amiga espero estés bien pienso igual que tú el pasar tiempo con los seres queridos es el mejor regalo que ni todo el dinero del mundo nos puede dar, esos momentos son increíbles y maravillosos, un abrazo.

Wow great this post of yours is very short like the previous posts and with a very great presentation I am very happy to know all the ideas you have taken and the way you have told about the gifts wow I am very surprised. I know how much people like you and will show their love with you in the form of gifts like perfume necklaces and other items including wallets and watches etc. I'm so happy. I am very happy to see you. I will take care of you very much. Keep sharing happiness and taking happiness. Thank you so much.🌹

Thank you @mona01