Introduction |
This contest has reminded me of one nursery school rhyme titled "My Mother."
My mother
Who sat and washed my infant's head
When sleeping on my cradle bed
And wept affection shared
And tears of sweet affection shed?
My Motherlink
Picture of my son and I
What is the definition of motherhood in your opinion? |
Motherhood simply means a period where a woman gives birth to a child or the period of raising children. Whenever a woman gives birth to a child and becomes a mother, she has entered into motherhood.
But from the above rhyme above, motherhood is caring, it is love, it is responsibility. It is a period of great happiness, deep emotions and motherhood could also be mixed with a little anger which patience is needed to keep one going.
How necessary motherhood is for a girl after marriage? Share your views on this. |
In African culture, having children as a wife is very important. At a point immediately after marriage, it is expected that the couple will begin to prepare for parenthood and so, sometimes when there's no pregnancy and no children in the home, the couple will begin to be worried. And at some point, the family members will begin to ask questions about why they have no children yet.
That reminds me of the story of Hannah in the Bible where she was grieved in her soul because she wanted to be a mother, bearing children for her husband because she was mocked by her co-wife.
I don't know about other cultures, but here in Africa and in Nigeria, experiencing motherhood is very important to every woman.
Pregnancy picture of myself when I was pregnant
How important is the desire of a girl in the decision to become a mother? |
It is important because every woman wants to have her own children after marriage, except for those who have medical issues. If it wasn't important, many people would not have gone to the extent of conducting various tests, treating different problems that are preventing them from having children.
In my country, people are usually happy and proud of having children because they have people who will replace them in the future.
Sometimes, due to social pressure many girls are forced to choose motherhood, share your views on this. |
I understand that in the past, young girls were forced into early marriage and early motherhood when they weren't prepared for that. For me, that is very bad and uncalled-for. That's the denial of young girls of their rights and privileges because they are not ready for motherhood physically, mentally, emotionally and even financially if being forced.
I believe that people should choose when to have children and not people being forced into motherhood when they're not prepared. Cases such as this make people abandon their children because they're not ready to embark on such a journey.
Picture of my husband with our baby
What do you think how a husband should take care of his wife during maternity? |
Raising children is not just for the woman alone. It's a dual responsibility, where the husband should always be there to provide all the support his wife and children need.
During times like this, my husband is always very supportive. I remember when I gave birth to my first child, he was always crying, especially at night. My husband will always support to carry him while he asks me to rest. Every husband should always be empathic and be kind to his wife during times like this. He should ask his wife areas he can provide help if he doesn't know what to do. That shows he's concerned about the journey of motherhood with his wife.
Share your thoughts on how a husband and wife should prepare not only physically but also mentally to take on the responsibilities of parenting. |
It is important for expectant parents to sit down together and plan on welcoming their newborn.
They need to shop for the child's items, prepare the child's room
Think of possible, positive and easier ways/methods of raising a child.
They should set aside enough money for emergency situations that may occur because sometimes, the child or the mother may fall sick.
- They need to plan how to take care of the child. For instance, if they're to hire a nanny or if a member of the family will come to assist in taking care of the child. Maybe they will want to take care of the child by themselves.
It is also important to plan where to give birth to the child if it's in a private or government hospital. When I was pregnant with my first child, my husband and I discussed which hospital I should give birth in. We considered affordability and quality services.
They should also discuss the child's name, what name the child will bear.
Motherhood is one of the most beautiful journeys that requires so much, not just from the woman but to the husband as well. I've experienced it, and I am excited I do.
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