Incredible India monthly contest May #02|What do you believe in Karma(deeds) or Destiny?

in hive-120823 •  2 years ago 
What do you believe in Karma(deeds) or Destiny?

Greetings Steemians!

Amidst the unrivaled diversity of cultures and beliefs, the Incredible India Monthly Contest May 02 challenges us To reflect on and explore our personal beliefs regarding Karma (actions) and Destiny. In this article, we will embark on a profound intellectual and spiritual journey To understand more about this debate and seek Enlightening answers In this magical land. Get ready To ponder, ponder ,and explore the sweeping concepts of Karma and Destiny, as we uncover the secrets hidden behind the extraordinary Universe of India.


What do you believe in Karma(deeds) or Destiny?

Karma is a concept that originates from the teachings of Dharmic religions such as Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. According to this concept, karma refers To the moral law of causation by which a person's actions in this world will affect their destiny or life in the future. In the context of karma, good actions tend to produce good results, while bad actions tend To produce bad results.

Karma involves the belief that individuals are responsible for their actions and decisions ,and will face the consequences of their actions, either in this life or in the next (in reincarnation). Karma also includes the concept of cosmic justice, In which one's actions affect universal balance.

Destiny, on the other hand, is a concept related To the belief that one's life is predetermined and that all events that occur are the result of forces that cannot be changed or avoided. Views of predestination can be found In various religious and philosophical traditions around the world. For some people, destiny can be seen as the will of God or a cosmic force that controls the course of life.

In some interpretations, destiny and karma can be seen as interrelated concepts. Karma can influence a person's destiny by determining the conditions or situations that a person faces In their life. However, views on karma and destiny vary between traditions and individuals.

It is important to note that views on karma and destiny are a matter of personal belief and can differ between individuals. Some people may believe In this concept absolutely, while others may have a more flexible view or not believe In it at all.


According to you, what is superior? Karma (deeds) or Destiny. Why?

Here i list some of the arguments often put forward by People considering the advantages and disadvantages of karma (actions) and destiny.

  • Moral justice :
    Karma emphasizes personal responsibility and moral justice. According To this view, good actions are followed by good results ,and bad actions are followed by bad results. This concept can provide a sense of justice in understanding why things happen In life.

  • Individual influence :
    Karma gives individuals the power To change their destiny through their actions and decisions. The belief that good actions can produce good results can provide motivation To act morally and responsibly In everyday life.

  • Personal development :
    Karma emphasizes the importance of personal development and deeper understanding of oneself. The belief that our actions affect our future Lives can Encourage reflection and Spiritual growth.

  • Predestination :
    The predestination view holds that everything In life is predetermined and cannot be changed. For some, it can provide a sense of calm and inner peace ,knowing that there is a greater plan or purpose behind the events in their life.

  • Relief from stress :
    Belief in destiny can help one To let go of the pressures and worries associated with controlling everything In life. It can provide a sense of acceptance and calm In the face of events that cannot be controlled.

  • Belief in a higher power :
    Belief in destiny is often linked to belief In a higher power ,such as God or cosmic forces. This can provide incentives To rely on entities perceived as wiser or more powerful.

It is important To remember that these views are highly subjective and can vary between individuals. Some people may find value In both concepts, while others may lean toward one of them based on their personal beliefs, life experiences ,or cultural traditions.


Share if there is any story behind your preference.

In a small village, there lived a farmer named Raju. Raju is a generous person and is always ready To help others. Every day, he shares some of his harvest with his less fortunate neighbors. He believes In the concept of karma and believes that his good actions will lead to good results.

However, one day, Raju faces a shocking incident. While he was working In his field, he slipped and fell Into a deep well. He struggled To get out ,but no one heard his screams. Raju feels trapped and distraught.

A few hours later, a traveler was passing by Raju's fields. Hearing screams, he approaches the well and is shocked to see Raju trapped in it. The wanderer immediately hatches a rescue plan and with the help of some passers-by, they manage To pull Raju out of the well.

Raju was very grateful for saving his life and asked the traveler why he had stopped at a place as remote as his farm. The traveler smiled and replied, "I stopped here because I was blown away by your kind heart. You often help others voluntarily ,and today, karma has sent me To help you. Your good actions have yielded good results."

This story illustrates how karma can operate in one's life. Raju had done many acts of kindness and assistance to others, and when he faced a difficult situation, help came to him through a traveler who happened To pass by his farm. It describes the belief that our good actions can influence fate and bring goodness into our lives.

Of course, there are many different interpretations and stories related To the concepts of karma and destiny. This story is just one example that provides an Illustration of how this view can operate In Everyday life.



"In line with karma or destiny, our every step forms a mark In the universe, and in this journey, let us act wisely, responsibly, and bring good to the world around us."

In this contest I invite @newby , @stanley52, @emultiplex and @abdullahw2 to take part in this interesting contest.

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
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