Contest of May#2 by @sduttaskitchen |Qualities all humans should carry within!

in hive-120823 •  4 months ago 

Sit down for a moment and imagine a world where every individual on earth has the best of human qualities that not only define us but also unite us, despite the differences in culture and tradition, skin color, religion and individual differences. This universal human qualities brings about respect and peaceful coexistence between people.

Among all this qualities, there are three that stand out for me and they include:

  • empathy
  • resilience
  • integrity.

These three core human qualities strengthen the fabric of society.

Before going ahead to elaborate on this three qualities, let me quickly invite @lovelystar, @emma01 and @bossj23

As per your viewpoint, which three qualities all humans should carry within?
  • Empathy:


Been empathetic is simply putting yourself in the shoes of others in other to know what they are going through or how they are feeling at that moment. This quality is very crucial because it promotes peace between people and foster compassion. When we empathize with others, we are building a stronger relationship.

To develop empathy, we need to keep an open mind and listen to what the other person have to say without judging them. Also try to see things from their point of view in order to grasp the whole situation.

  • Integrity


Integrity is always doing the right thing and standing firm on your principles even when no one is seeing you. Integrity makes you trustworthy and can make people vouch for you when something bad happens. For you to be a man/woman of integrity, you have to be honest and accountable for whatever you do, whether right or wrong. This human quality is important for a fair and just society.

  • Resilience

Been resilient means never giving up in the face of adversity and having the ability to bounce back from any setbacks and adapt to the new challenges. People who have this quality are always striving to move forward because they have a positive mindset and learn from their failures. They see Challenges as stepping stones to achieve their goals.

How do those qualities help to enhance us and others (including family and society)?


The importance of this three qualities cannot be overemphasized in our lives, family and society at large. I’ll be discussing their importance one after the other.

Empathy: like we earlier stated, empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of others in other to know what they are going through. This particular act alone brings about peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding between family members. For example, when you tell your mum, what you’re going through, she listens to you and gives you all the necessary support you need, strengthening the bond between you and her.

In society at large, empathy reduces biases and tribal sentiments drastically by encouraging people to see from the point of view of the other individual. For instance, a leader who is empathetic, will listen to the complaints of his people and do all he can to cater for their wellbeing.

Integrity: breeds self respect and trust in the family. Family members will always rely on each other because they know that their word is their bond and everyone will always keep to their promises without defaulting because of their integrity. This trust is the foundation of strong relationship in every family.

In society, integrity is one of the bedrock of our justice system. It treats everyone fairly and reduces corruption and unethical behavior among people.

Resilience:During challenging times, resilience help families to support one another in the little way they can. When family stand together in difficult times, they come out stronger and more united.

The beautiful infrastructure we enjoy in society are built by resilient communities and individuals. For instance, it takes only resilient community to build back there lost city if they’re struck by natural disaster. This collective resilience inspires others and creates a supportive network .

Do you believe identifying self-mistakes and quality somehow makes us distinct? Justify your view


Identifying self mistakes is a unique quality that sets individuals apart because is crucial for self development. Those qualities you know you are weak in, you can improve on them for personal growth. This makes it easier for you to present yourself genuinely anywhere in the world, leading to meaningful communication and relationship. Your strength can be leveraged on to gain advantage.

Been able to recognize self mistakes boosten emotional intelligence. This involves not only understanding our own emotions but also being able to empathize with others. people with high emotional intelligence are often empathetic and makes it easy for people to relate with them easily.

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