Winners announcement of Incredible India monthly contest November#1|Why nature conservation is Influential for us|Prize Pool 30 steem

in hive-120823 •  2 years ago 

Dear friends,

Today I am here to announce the contest winners of November#1; why nature conservation is influential for us. We scrutinized many additional entries as the subject was essential for all of us.

Nevertheless, we received six entries, including mine;

among all entries, we selected three winners, and they are:-

User Id

Post link


Prize amount


@ishayachrispost linkFirst Prize12steem
@sampabiswaspost linkSecond Prize10steem
@jakaria121post linkThird Prize8steem

planting trees is one of the major ways in which the earth can be preserved. As such, I plant trees around my compound. As you can see from the images, I plant mango and paw-paw trees. On a daily basis, I water them.

The recurring activities of the user are very persuasive;
especially when our planet is going through global warming.

He cleared and specified each point;
and also shared some ways that could decrease global warming. So his post was not only informative;
Besides that, he also takes part in conserving mother nature.

একজন মা যেমন বিপদ থেকে নিজের সন্তানকে রক্ষা করে, ঠিক তেমন করেই প্রকৃতিও আমাদের বিভিন্ন ভাবে সাহায্য করে। সুস্থভাবে বাঁচার জন্য প্রকৃতির কাছে সব আছে কিন্তু আমরা শুধুমাত্র নিজের সুবিধার কথা ভেবে অনেক কৃত্তিম জিনিস ব্যবহার করি।

আমি নিজে আমাদের ছাদে ফুলগাছ লাগিয়েছিলাম। এখন তাতে ফুল ফোটে এবং আমি নিজে সেগুলো তুলে এনে পুজো দিই।
এটা যে কতটা ভাললাগা তা সত্যি ভাষায় প্রকাশ করা সম্ভব নয়।

We selected the second winner as per her rendition of the nature she mentioned and shared the plant pictures;
that she planted on her rooftop. That also shows that she is disseminating her best to decrease global warming and help the earth to become healthy.

শীত প্রধান দেশগুলোতে অধিক তাপমাত্রা থাকার কারণে গাছগুলো টিকতে পারেনা। সেজন্য কাচের অথবা প্লাস্টিকের ঘর তৈরি করেন। সেই ঘরের ভিতরে তারা কালো প্রবেশ করলে বাহির হতে পারে না। এমন ঘর তৈরি করার পরে সেখানে সবুজ শাক-সবজি চাষাবাদ করা হয়। আর এই প্লাস্টিক কিনার কাছের ঘরকেই বলা হয় গ্রীন হাউস। এই ঘরের ভিতরে সবুজ রঙের শাকসবজি চাষাবাদ করা হয় এ কারণেই বলা হয় গ্রীন হাউস আর গ্রীন মানে সবুজ হাউজ মানে ঘর।

Being a newbie, the user explained global warming so adequately in his mother tongue;
In Bengali, he utilized influential words.
We acknowledge encouraging newbies to participate in a different contest besides tenured people.

I am announcing the winners' names from my account;
because the contest was sponsored by me, and @nainaztengra;

Soon I will send the steem to the winners' account, and @nainaztengra informed me she would pass 15steem in my wallet.

Thus Incredible India performs by merging hands with each other.

So, lastly, I would like to congratulate all the participants and the winners on behalf of the Incredible India family.

We believe we will receive many more entries in our next contest.

It would be great if some whales come forward and support the winners to enhance their happiness.

Cc:- @rme(chief admin)


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Congratulations to all the winners.

Happy to me among the winners, and congratulations to all the participants. I do we here waiting for your next contest ma'am.

It was our pleasure to select your post and we are looky forward your more presence here besides contest.


Prize amount distribution complete, please check and confirm 🙏




Thank your for your kind support, I joined your discord.


Thank you so much for selecting my post Ma'am.
Congratulations to all the winners.

Your are most welcome, your continuous efforts towards community and your participation is appreciable

Congratulations to everyone who won the contest.

Congratulations to the winners.

Next time I will also take part, congratulations 👏🏼

I have joined here as a newbie and I really like participating here.
I thank you all for conducting a contest so beautifully and staying with you till the last minute of the contest. Also thank you brothers and sisters for participating here. Participating here is a big deal. We must be patient and keep working.

We believe you will show your continuous efforts in the future.

I will try.

Congratulations to all the winners @ishayachris, @sampabiswas and @jakaria121 for your active participation and good quality content.
All the best to you all for future engagements with the community

Thank you for encouraging us. Thanks again for the greetings. May we patiently stay on this platform and move forward. All I want is to be by your side.