Entertainment, such as music, films, art, or theater, exposes individuals to different cultures, perspectives, and ideas. It broadens horizons, fosters empathy, and contributes to personal growth.
Entertainment often involves socializing with friends, family, or communities. Whether it's watching a movie together or playing games, it strengthens relationships and builds a sense of belonging.
Certain forms of entertainment, like reading or listening to music, can inspire creativity and innovation. Engaging in diverse forms of entertainment can spark new ideas, encourage hobbies, and fuel personal passions.
Stress cannot be prevented but can be controlled by planning for the future better, avoiding making major changes at the same time, accepting yourself as you are.
Stress is one of the most common mental problems. Some stress-relieving sports that can be tried are yoga, walking, dancing, and many more.
How to relieve stress with exercise is actually quite popular, in fact, many people apply it.
Responsibility is a person's attitude and behavior to carry out tasks and obligations carried out both towards oneself, family, society, environment (nature, social, and culture), country, and God Almighty.
Because everyone cannot live without others, from the time we are in the womb until we die, we must establish good relationships with other people in the community. To maintain good relationships in the community, every member of society should be aware of their responsibilities as citizens.
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