Fried grasshoppers

in hive-120823 •  6 months ago 

Grasshoppers are herbivorous insects from the suborder caelifera in the order orthoptera. These insects have antennae that are almost always shorter than their bodies and also have short ovipositors. Because, these insects contain many important nutrients such as high protein levels that are beneficial for health, one popular way of processing grasshoppers here is by frying them. Well, thanks to their nutritional content, grasshoppers can provide a number of benefits. One of them is improving cognitive function. But not only that, there are many other benefits of fried grasshoppers for the body.


There are a number of nutritional contents of grasshoppers that play an important role in supporting a number of vital body functions, including: Zinc, Iron, Calcium, Manganese, Magnesium, Riboflavin (vitamin b2), Pantothenic acid (vitamin b5), Folic acid, Biotin (vitamin b7). Most people view grasshoppers as dirty insects. It is the same as the thinking of people in the past who viewed lobster and shrimp as not alternative foods. However, after going through processing and especially knowing the nutritional benefits, lobster and shrimp have become favorite and exclusive foods. It could be that, after knowing the many nutrients in grasshoppers, this insect will become an alternative "luxury" food like its predecessor. Especially after knowing its various benefits.


Maintaining nerve and cognitive health

This favorite culinary in Thailand contains vitamins B1 and B12. These vitamins can help maintain nerve health including cognitive health. Vitamin B1 deficiency can trigger information disorders in the brain. While vitamin B12 plays a role in the formation of myelin. Myelin is a layer that protects the brain's nerves. Snakehead fish has good nutritional content for the brain.


Good for the digestive system

Good digestion is also related to a good quality of life. Consuming grasshoppers can be beneficial for the digestive system. One of the reasons is because grasshoppers are a source of easily digested protein.

High protein source

Grasshoppers contain higher protein than meat. However, it takes a large number of grasshoppers to match or even exceed the protein content of meat. Even so, this fact is still interesting, because grasshoppers are more environmentally friendly in terms of carbon emissions than cows, insects can be an alternative source of other energy-rich foods.

Antibacterial effect

Fried grasshoppers contain important compounds that have antibacterial effects. Polysaccharides or chitin have antibacterial properties. Chitin can be useful as a protector of the body from bacterial attacks.

A source of antioxidants

The antioxidant compounds in grasshoppers are a good source of antioxidants. So far, the consideration is because the stress level in animals that have other names congcorang is much lower than other animals. How good the source of antioxidants can be affected by the habitat and lifestyle of living things.

Increase energy

Grasshoppers supply more energy than cereals such as wheat. This can be an alternative source of energy in the food you consume. The fat content is also higher than meat and fish. But, not just any fat, but unsaturated fat. So, it is much healthier.


Lowering cholesterol levels

Regarding its unsaturated fat content, another benefit is that it can lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, this food can play a role in relieving inflammation. Its value is not much different from nuts, avocados, and flax seeds.

Healthy skin and hair

Fried grasshoppers contain a number of important nutrients that can help maintain healthy skin and hair. The protein in fried grasshoppers helps repair and strengthen the structure of the skin and hair

Preventing chronic diseases

Fried grasshoppers contain antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin E. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants can help prevent several chronic diseases and maintain the health of the entire body. According to a scientific journal entitled Nutritional Composition, Health Benefits, and Application Value of Edible Insects: A Review published in the MDPI Journal, insects have a therapeutic effect so that they can cure certain disease conditions. Well, even though grasshoppers contain many nutrients and health benefits, you can't necessarily consume all grasshoppers. It's better to consume insects that people farm. Why is that?

Grasshopper habitat affects its nutrition

Grasshoppers raised on farms are fed safe and controlled feed. While wild ones, we don't know what they eat. It is not impossible that insects caught in the fields are more likely to contain heavy metals or pesticides than those caught in the forest. Heavy metals such as cadmium and lead can accumulate in the soil and be absorbed by plants, which grasshoppers then eat. Heavy metals in food can deplete important nutrients in the body. Well, this can result in disabilities associated with malnutrition, and a higher risk of gastrointestinal cancer or stomach cancer.

Don't eat the legs

Did you know that we should remove the grasshopper's legs before eating them? This is because the large spines on its shins can get stuck in the intestines. This can cause intestinal blockages.

Triggers allergies

For most people, eating insects may not cause allergic reactions. However, for people who have seafood allergies, you need to be careful when eating grasshoppers. The body of this animal contains chitin, a fibrous substance that the human body has difficulty digesting. Well, it is possible that some people are allergic to chitin. If we experience an allergic reaction after consuming fried grasshoppers, immediately check the condition with a doctor. If it is really an allergy, the doctor will give anti-allergy medication to relieve the symptoms that appear.


Getting to know the characteristics of grasshoppers

Grasshoppers have three main body segments, namely the head, chest, and abdomen. The head has a pair of compound eyes, three simple eyes and a pair of antennae that are sensitive to the environment. The chest and abdomen of grasshoppers have a rigid cuticle consisting of overlapping plates made of chitin. The thoracic segment has 3 pairs of legs and 2 pairs of wings. The abdomen consists of 11 segments while the legs are surrounded by claws. Male grasshoppers are usually smaller than female grasshoppers which have short, chisel-like ovipositors. Male species usually produce loud chirping sounds to attract females.

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I like the style of writing, typing everything.Beautiful grasshopper, and the writings are very creative.Thank you very much for giving us such a beautiful writing.

Thank you very much for the compliment, my writing is just so-so, I have more good writings.

Thank you so much for replying to my comment.I wish you all the best and I look forward to writing more beautiful content in the future.Love goes on and on.


Grasshoppers are important to the environment. They control the population of mosquitoes and other insects. Grasshopper is a beautiful and attractive insect. Their scientific name is Anisoptera. Grasshoppers are characterized by large compound eyes, two pairs of strong and transparent fins and an elongated body. When sitting, their wings are horizontal and at right angles to the body.

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