Steem engagement challenge-s7/w6 | My nostalgic childhood memories.

in hive-120823 •  2 years ago  (edited)

My childhood in the countryside

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The countryside

Growing up in suburbia, I often felt as though I was missing out on something special. I craved a connection with nature, a sense of being grounded to the earth and all its wonders. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the countryside as a child, and it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.

The countryside is an incredibly diverse and beautiful place, and I feel incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to explore it as a child. I was able to explore the woods, climb trees, and observe the wildlife around me. I even had the chance to take part in some farming activities, like picking apples and helping to tend to the animals.

The countryside is a place of peace, tranquility, and beauty. I was able to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and take part in some of the simpler pleasures in life. Whether I was fishing in a lake, going on a nature walk, or just lying in the grass and watching the clouds pass by, I always felt a deep sense of contentment when I was in the countryside.

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My garden

Best moment of my childhood

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When I was 8 years old, I went to the beach with my family. We spent the day playing in the sand, swimming in the ocean, and collecting shells. It was so much fun and I felt so alive and connected to the beauty of nature. We later had a picnic lunch on the beach, and I got to eat my favorite food – ice cream! That moment was absolutely perfect. I felt so happy and content, and I knew that I was loved and supported. That moment in time will always be one of my fondest childhood memories.

Thanks a lot to my mom

I remember my childhood with fondness, although it was not always easy. I had to learn how to be independent and take care of myself. I was the only child at home and so I was often alone. I liked to play in the garden, the nearby park, and the street. I found a lot of joy in these places. I remember that I was often scared when I heard strange noises or when I was alone in the dark. But I was also curious and I wanted to explore the world around me.

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creative chaos

When I was young, I was very active and I liked to try out new things. I was fascinated by the possibilities of the world and I often dreamt of what the future would bring. I was also a very creative person and I loved to draw and write stories. I remember one summer when I wrote a story about a magical forest with fairies and elves. It was the first time I had ever written a story and it filled me with a great sense of pride.

During my childhood, I also had to deal with some difficult emotions. I was often scared and lonely, and I felt like I didn't belong anywhere. But I learned how to cope with these emotions and to find strength in myself. I also learned how to be kind and compassionate to others.

Growing up in suburbia, I often felt as though I was missing out on something special. I craved a connection with nature, a sense of being grounded to the earth and all its wonders. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the countryside as a child, and it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.

The countryside is an incredibly diverse and beautiful place, and I feel incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to explore it as a child. I was able to explore the woods, climb trees, and observe the wildlife around me. I even had the chance to take part in some farming activities, like picking apples and helping to tend to the animals.

The countryside is a place of peace, tranquility, and beauty. I was able to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and take part in some of the simpler pleasures in life. Whether I was fishing in a lake, going on a nature walk, or just lying in the grass and watching the clouds pass by, I always felt a deep sense of contentment when I was in the countryside.

My childhood was full of joy, fear, and learning. I am thankful for all the experiences I had during those years, and for my mother who was always there for me. I know that I am a better person today because of the loving care and guidance my mother gave me.

P.S Mom, I love you
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  ·  2 years ago (edited)


আমাদের কমিউনিটির পক্ষ থেকে আপনাকে স্বাগতম। আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ খুব সুন্দর একটি লেখা আপনি উপস্থাপনা করেছেন। খুবই সুন্দর করে আপনি আপনার শৈশবের স্মৃতিগুলো বর্ণনা করেছেন। আপনার লেখার ধরন খুব সুন্দর যেটা আপনাকে ভবিষ্যতে অনেক দূর নিয়ে যাবে এই স্টিমিট ফ্ল্যাট ফর্মের।

অবশ্যই আপনাকে এই এনগেজমেন্ট চ্যালেঞ্জে অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য achievement1 verified থাকতে হবে।

আপনার যে কোন সমস্যা সমাধানের জন্য আপনি যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন আমাদের Discord Channel.

I don't understand what I should do. I introduced myself and took a photo.
Are you asking me to take a photo like everyone else with a sign in their hands?
Why then are you asking to be "unique" if I have to do "like everyone else".
"Do like everyone else" - what is unique?

I'm not fake, stupid downs

It's just that I'm very angry that I took the time to write my article for several hours a day.
And you didn't even verify my identity
You are such an idiot that you didn't even listen to me.