Economic Activities - Diary Game, Sunday 14 August 2022 || Shop Home Appliances [Brunsteem25]

in hive-120861 •  2 years ago 


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Hello all stemians friends, how are you today? Hopefully we are always in good health and can do activities well.

Meet me again @chnisa , in this post I will share some of the transactions I did today. This afternoon, Sunday, August 14, 2022, I went to a weekend at Lueng Putu Market. I visited several shops. The first store I visited was the "Junaidi Store" shoe store. In this shop I bought a pair of school shoes for my sister.



Junaidi store is located on Jl. Trade No. 3 Lueng Putu, Pidie Jaya. Here I see various models of sandals and shoes. After looking around I was interested in this one shoe. And I bought it at a price of Rp. 245,000. After finishing at the shoe store, I immediately rushed to one of the most complete accessories stores here to buy some hair ties, bandanas and brooches, and a toy truck unit. I took 3 hair ties at a price of Rp. 15,000, bandana Rp. 10,000, and a brooch Rp. 13,000, toy trucks Rp. 57,000 Total Rp. 95,000. Every day this Accessories outlet is filled with visitors who want to buy necessities.



After shopping for accessories, I went straight to the grocery store. I want to buy cooking oil, salt and 2 bunches of sweet potato crackers. As we know, the current price of oil is still soaring, the price per liter can reach Rp. 26,000. I bought the 2 liter packaging at a price of Rp. 45,500, salt 2 kg Rp. 18.000 and yam crackers Rp. 12,000. The total is Rp. 75,500.


After we finished from the grocery store, we rushed to one of the Mie Aceh outlets to rest while enjoying noodles and juice. This noodle shop is very famous in our area, besides the taste is good, the portion is also quite a lot and there is also additional crab in it. Many people order noodles here as souvenirs to take home to eat with their families. You don't have to worry about the price, friends, the price of noodles is only Rp. 9,000 per serving. Here I pay Noodles for Rp. 18.000 and juice Rp. 5,000.


After a break I went back to shopping for a building store. There I bought a small Avian brand paint at a price of Rp. 70,000 And went straight to the bookstore to buy some coloring books and also colored pencils for my nephew, the price of the coloring book was Rp. 15,000 and colored pencils Rp. 25,000. After finishing shopping I went straight home.


Friends, today I made quite a lot of transactions, here is a list of prices and the total money I spent for all transactions.

1.ShoesRp. 245,000
2.Hair tieRp. 15,000
3.BandaRp. 10,000
4.broochRp. 13,000
5.Truck carsRp. 57,000
6.Cooking oilRp. 45,500
7.SaltRp. 18.000
8.Sweet crackersRp. 12,000
9.Mie gorengRp. 18.000
10.JuiceRp. 5,000
11.Avian PaintRp. 70,000
12.Coloring bookRp. 15,000
13.PaintRp. 25,000

For the total price of the groceries I bought, it was Rp. 548,500


This is my economic diary activity with my beloved sister, today I feel very tired because it is a very sunny day with the sun so shining that it feels hot, but doing something with a happy and calm heart is also more beautiful and relieves fatigue earlier, And I also want to thank you for visiting my blog, hopefully we can share our various economic activities together.

Regards: @chnisa

Welcome to My blog @chnisa

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Terima kasih atas dukungan dan kepercayaan nya.
Untuk kedepannya saya akan berusaha untuk membuat postingan yang lebih baik lagi.

You did great, but for reference purpose it would have been better if you had fixed in the price equivalents in steem.. Keep it up..

Terima kasih atas masukannya, untuk kedepannya akan saya coba

You are welcome

Hello dear @chnisa you really had a wonderful shopping day, thanks for sharing with us and mentioning the prices of commodities you bought, but I'll advice next time you added the prices of goods you buy in Steems or SBD too, to help Steemians from other places to know the real value of the goods. THANKS

Terimakasih, saya rasa ini Masukan/saran yang luar biasa. Dikarenakan saya baru pemula jadi belum terlalu paham, dan Saya akan melakukan nya di postingan saya selanjutnya.

You're welcome dear!

Setau lon, penggunaan nama Jln. Perdagangan hana berubah menjadi street trade dalam konotasi bahasa inggreh, biasa jih 😅
Atau mungken lon yg keliru.😅