Many people believe that they have an idea that can make them a millionaire, but few inventions are truly successful. While some creations become a hit, many others fail. However, some simple inventions or seemingly obvious ideas that no one else had thought of can make millions of dollars and make their creators wealthy seemingly effortlessly.
The yellow smiley face, created by Charlie Ball, is now ubiquitous around the world, often accompanied by the phrase "Have a nice day!". Ball was paid $45 for the rights to the image, but two brothers later recognized its marketing potential and made over $50 million by licensing it to businesses for use on packaging and commercials.
The Slinky, a spring-like toy, is a famous toy worldwide and has been encountered by virtually everyone in the Western world. The inventor, Richard James, came up with the idea accidentally when a spring fell and "walked" along the floor. After selling out of all his Slinkys at a showing at Gimbals, they became a must-have toy, earning James and his family around $250 million.
The concept of Velcro was inspired by George de Mestral's observation of how burrs from plants stuck to his pants. Upon examining them under a microscope, he noticed tiny hooks that fastened to the small loops of his trouser fabric. He created Velcro, which uses artificial materials to mimic this effect. Velcro is now sold worldwide, generating approximately $100 million in revenue every year.
Straws have been a common drinking tool for centuries, with little change in design. However, one man decided to create a fun, bent straw to encourage children to drink juice and milk instead of soda. This unique straw design proved to be a massive success and is now sold in millions every year.
The Magic 8 Ball, a common item found in many households in Europe and the United States, has no real psychic powers but is still popular. The toy is simple, consisting of a plastic ball filled with alcohol and a 20-sided die. Its success can be attributed to its low cost and frequent appearances in films and TV shows as a tool for making difficult decisions.