Review of Delicious Crab Noodles at Dana Coffee Shop

in hive-120861 •  9 months ago 

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Crab Noodles at Dana Coffee Shop

On Monday, June 10, 2024, in addition to attending the opening of Bakso AA Lhokseumawe, I also had to head to Panton Labu in North Aceh Regency. It took about 40 minutes to reach Panton Labu City, of course, with the car speed above average or over 100 km/h.

At 13:15 WIB, I arrived in Panton Labu City. I immediately went to the Great Mosque of Pasee to perform the Dhuhr prayer. There, my friends, Khairuddin and Faisal, who had arrived earlier, were waiting. After the Dhuhr prayer, we promptly headed to Dana Coffee Shop at the Four-Way Intersection in Panton Labu City.

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There, another member of our ijakroeng team, Poetra Joeang, was waiting, who turned out to have brought a large quantity of crabs. Our team was actually working on monitoring the implementation of the 2024 School Principal Competency Assessment (AKKS) for the heads of high schools, vocational schools, and special education schools across Aceh, which was scheduled for that day at 14:00 WIB.

The crabs brought by Poetra were fresh and large, with eggs inside. When we arrived, the crabs had already been cleaned by the chef, ready to be cooked with noodles.

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Shortly after, the crab noodles were cooked and served before us. Considering the substantial amount of crabs Poetra brought, we were treated to jumbo portions of crab noodles.

We immediately savored the deliciousness of these crab noodles. The noodles were incredibly tasty. We ordered the stir-fried noodle variant, allowing the seasoning to penetrate the crab meat. The flavor of the crab meat was even more delightful wrapped in the aroma of the noodles. The richly spiced Aceh noodle seasoning had us hooked.

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It took quite a while to finish the jumbo portion of crab noodles, but they were indeed very delicious. We thanked the chef who had cooked our crab noodles so exquisitely.

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I recommend you try the noodles at Dana Coffee Shop if you visit or stop by Panton Labu City. The place is clean, located at the intersection of the Four-Way Red Light. You can park your vehicle along this wide road. The drinks provided are also very fresh, tasty, and clean. In other words, this place is highly recommended.

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