in hive-120861 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Palm oil has been one of the condiments for cooking, it's also one of the product that promote economic development in my rural community. Because of it value and economy important many people have venture into it as a business.

How I started this oil business is a joy to me today. I learned about it from my late father,he was an Agriculturist,he venture into the business as a young man who believe in creativity.He did this to create Job for himself and to Carter for the family.
This business have exposed him to others businesses.
After his departure on Earth over two decades ,I was looking for what to do to take care of my self and younger ones,I decided to pick up his idea and work on it to start the same business.
I used two hundred and fifty three dollars to start up the business.
The ten twenty five littres to start with, how I got it is a challenge,I must go around Palm oil Mill within and outside my community to order for it, after which I will take them to market for sales.
I do retail of this oil.the business have given me joy because of it exposure to others businesses.
I have been in the business for about five years now, and it has been of help to me and family financially.
The business is very lucrative in that I introduce it to my sister to start.
Today i have staff that are working for me and marketers that sales the product for me. I pay their salary and allowance for the effort they put in the business for progress.
As a graduate,am very happy to involve my self in the Oil business because after my school I didn't securia Job for my self, so I try to create one, which today I have four stuffs working for me and receiving their salary as when diue.
The gain I make in it heve encourage me enough to set up a Palm Oil producing Mill which will cost about One hundred thousand dollars to start with.
I have acquired land as first to thing.
The reason I am very interesting in the business is,I want to be sending it out side my country to others part of the world in tones.this will make me a great business man.
As I continue to make sales in every day,I gain more knowledge and skills to make more and secure sales.
Am very excited with this oil business
It a joy.
The picture is the measurement rubbers for the product.


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