Aid packages for school equipment and supplies are ready to be distributed to underprivileged students - steemkindness20pc

in hive-120861 •  3 years ago 


Tomorrow the aid packages for school supplies and equipment for students from poor families are ready to be distributed. The activity will take place in Langa Village, Syamtalira Bayu District, North Aceh Regency. There are 25 aid packages that will be distributed to students who are currently studying for primary school. The majority of beneficiaries are students who no longer have parents. We call this activity "Support Children's Education".

Programs to support children's education from steem kindness will collaborate with non-steemit communities. This collaboration is important in our efforts to promote it to the public. Another advantage is that beneficiaries will receive two different aid packages in one activity.

  1. School supplies and equipment packages
    Steem Kindness will provide 25 packages of school supplies and equipment in the form of notebooks, pencil cases, drinking bottles, pencils, pens and others.

  2. Food Packages
    High school alumni in 1999 provided food aid packages in the form of cooking oil, granulated sugar, eggs, cash and others.

Currently all the aid has been packed and will be distributed the next day around 11 am. This activity will also be attended by village officials and covered by print media and online media.

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School supplies and equipment for elementary school students


The "help package" packaging process


I was helped by @afrizalbinalka and @akmal1 to package all the aid packages for school supplies and equipment. The packaging uses a goodie bag with the steem kindness and RK logo.

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Help package ready to distribute

Thank you to all users of the steem entrepreneur community page who have shared rewards for empowerment accounts and @steemkindness charity activities so that this activity can be carried out. Hopefully the distribution of the aid package for equipment and school supplies tomorrow goes well.

Cc :@pennsif @stephenkendal

Steem Kindness Alternatif Warna.png

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Mantap dan keren,amal baik akan terbalas dengan baik.

Terimakasih atas dukungannya

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Hopefully this charity activity runs smoothly and also hopefully the less fortunate students can use this assistance well. Thank you @harferri for organizing charity activities that are very useful for the nation's children in the future.
With this help they can learn more actively and enthusiastically.
Continued success


Thank for support ...

looking forward for kindness of steemkindness

Thanks for support

MashaAllah. May Allah help you. For this generous act of yours, surely Allah will give you the right reward.❣️
Love is endless honorable admin @harferri

Thank you very much @tanvir128

The most beautiful gifts I have seen on steemit, all look so beautiful and I'm sure anyone who gets one of these packages will smile wide ... 😊😊, you are too much @harferri

Thank you very much for your support friend, you have an amazing heart and career... best wishes for your life always ..

Keren 👍

Anda makin keren @ponpase keep your spirit !

Masya Allah semoga berkah 😇. Btw di bagikannya kpn? Pgn ikutan 🤭

Tadi sudah, di kegiatan berikutnya nanti dikabarin ..

Ok sip

Kegiatan yang sangat bermanfaat untuk membantu anak-anak Yatim spt yg kami programkan lewat program STEEM KINDNESS.
Alhamdulillah, kegiatan hari ini berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses. Terimakasih kpd Saudara @harferri yg telah bersusah payah mewujudkan program ini dan juga utk kawan2 yg telah membantu mempersiapkan kegiatan amal dari STEEM KINDNESS. Semoga ini menjadi amal ibadah bagi kita semua. Aamiin.

Terimakasih tak terhingga atas dukungan kanda @tucsond hingga saat ini ke komunitas steem emtrepreneurs dan program steem kindness, semoga kerja keras teman-teman semua memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat ..Amin

Good job! this is simply a great way of promoting Steem, kudos to you guys

Thanks for support and your kind words @collinz have a great day

Sangat luar biasa, semoga berkah dan bermanfaat bagi penerima nya, Saya ingin berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut.

Amin ya rabbal alamin, InsyaAllah di kegiatan berikutnya @izzatulmaula

Mashallah. I am very happy to see such beautiful activities, i hope you can continue this charitable work in a very beautiful way. My love for you is that you go ahead @harferri 💝💝

Thanks for your kind words @hadi87


  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Kegiatan yang mulia
Sukses selalu pak boss @harferri

Sukses juga @walictd

Salam dan sukses

Terimakasih pak @harferri

This is impresive, please keep up the good heart and work. We are all encouraged with this act. @harferri

Great thanks for your support @ubongudofot